Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (13 October 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (13 October 2015)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Which of the given statements is in incorrect
(a) Dhar Commission was set up by the President of the Indian
Constituent Assembly in 1948 to consider the question of reorganization of
states in India.
(b) Dhar Commission favoured re-organization of states on the basis of language.
(c) The government in 1948 set up a high level committee called Linguistic
Provinces Committee. consisting of Nehru, Patel & Sitarammaiah to consider the
Dhar Commission’s Recommendation
(d) Andhra Pradesh became the first state which was formed on basis of language
2. What is Gentlemen’s agreement?
(a) In 1956 this agreement provided reassurances to the Bodo
people in education, jobs & ministerial berths.
(b) In 1956 this agreement provided reassurances to the Telangana people in
education, jobs & ministerial berths.
(c) This was an agreement with the France to get back Puducherry
(d) It was an agreement by which Telugu - speaking areas were separated from the
former Madras states
3. In India the reorganisation of state on the basis of linguistic basis is useful mainly because:-
1) It should enhance administrative efficiency, greater citizen
convenience, effective management of diversities & thus strengthening the
federal system of governance.
2) It prevents fissiparous tendencies like separation & disintegration.
Which of the above statements is incorrect.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Consider the following statements.
1) Natural rights are universal rights which are inherent in
every individual being a part of human nature.
2) Civil rights are the rights that a citizen of a country enjoys & are
conferred by the constitution or the law of the country.
3) Article 15, 16, 19, 20 & 29 in the Chapter on Fundamental Rights in the
Indian constitution (Part III) are available to Indian citizen only.
4) Human Rights are contained in United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Rights 1948.
Which of the above statement is / are Correct.
(a) 1 & 4 only
(b) 1 & 3 only
(c) 1, 3 & 4 only
(d) All of the above
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
Once a thief named Kalu had planned to loot the king's treasury. At midnight he went to the palace and began to drill a hole in the side wall of the treasury. The king, who was awake in his bedroom just above the treasury, came out to investigate thewhirring sound. He was dressed in simple nightgown and the thief could not recognize him.He asked Kalu who he was and what he was doing. The latter said, "Sir, I am a thief and intend to loot this treasury. I presume that you are also a thief and have come with the same intention. No matter, let us both go inside and we shall share the loot equally." Both entered the treasury and divided all the money and jewels equally between them. Inside a locker they found three big diamond pieces. As the thief was puzzled as to how divide the three pieces into two portions, the king suggested, "We have taken away everthing else. Let us leave one diamond piece for the poor king and share the rest equally." Kalu agreed and when he took his leave, the king asked for his name and address. As Kalu had taken a vow of telling only the truth, he gave the correct information.
The king took away his share of the loot and hid it in his room.Nextmorning he asked his PrimeMinister to inspect the treasury as he had heard some strange sounds during the previous night. The PrimeMinister saw to his horror that all the valueables were missing and only a single diamond was left, perhaps inadvertently, by the thief. He put the diamond in his own pocket as its loss could be ascribed to the thief and nobody would suspect the Prime Minister.
The PrimeMinisterwent back to the king. The king particularly enquired, "Do you mean the thief has completely denuded the treasury of its valuales and not a single item has been left?" The Prime Minister confirmed it.
The king asked the chief of police to bring in Kalu.When Kalu came he was unable to recognize the king as his accomplice of the previous night.
The king asked him, "Are you the thief who has stolen everything from my treasury leaving nothing back?" Kalu confirmed it but said, "Sir, I did leave one diamond back in the locker as advised by an accompliceof mine and it should still be there."
The Prime Minister interrupted saying, "Your Majesty, this thief is lying. There is nothing left in the locker".
1. The king came out in the middle of the night in order to
(a) help Kalu to break into the palace treasury
(b) share the loot equally between Kalu and himself
(c) find out the source of and reason for the sound he had heard
(d) catch the thief who had come to steal his valuables
2. Kalu could not recognize the king because
(a) the king was wearing clothes like those of an ordinary
(b) the king was dressed in a simple nightgown
(c) Kalu had never seen the king before
(d) Kalu had not seen the king descending from his bed room.
3. Kalu revealed to the king his real intention because
(a) he thought that the king was also a thief
(b) he thought that it was the only way to muster his help
(c) he felt that revealing the truth would ensure safe robbery
(d) Kalu had taken an oath of telling only the truth
4. What was the agreement between the king and Kalu about the stolen valuables?
(a) They had not come to any conclusive agreement before
breaking into treasury.
(b) They decided to divide the booty between themselves in equal proportion.
(c) They decided in advance that except for diamond, the other loot would be
shared equally.
(d) They decided that the money would be taken by Kalu and jewellery the king.
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