Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (14 October 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (14 October 2015)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Which the following statements is Incorrect.
(a) The doctrine of Basic Structure was introduced in the Maneka
Gandhi V/s Union of India case
(b) The Supreme Court ruled that the Basic Structure cannot be amended by the
Parliament but there is scope of enrichment & amplification
(c) Under National Emergency Art. 352, 358 & 359, however constitution permits
suspension of the operation of all Fundamental Rights except Article 20 & 21.
(d) Article 19 stated that Fundamental Rights are conditional & subject to
reasonable restrictions
2. Consider the following statements.
1) The doctrine of Eclipse says that a law that is overridden
by a subsequent law does not cease to exist. In only goes into dormancy. Once
the overriding law is diluted or deleted, the earlier law comes into operation.
2) Article 13 states that the state shall not make any law which takes away or
abridges the rights conferred by Part III of the constitution.
Which of the above statements is / are correct
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Which of following statements is Incorrect
(a) Son of soil policy means that the people in vicinity of an
area may have the employment reserved for them.
(b) Religious & denominational institutions cannot reserve the employment in
them for those who does not profess their religion.
(c) Parliament may legislate that residence is a criteria for employment in
certain categories
(d) In Indira Sawhney V/s Union of India 1992, the Supreme Court upheld the
Government Policy of providing for reservation for OBC in Government Services.
4. Consider the following statements.
1) In the Golak Nath case ruling the Supreme Court held that
Parliament could not amend the Fundamental Rights as these rights enjoy a
“transcendental” status under the Indian Constitution.
2) In the Keshvananda Bharti Case Supreme Court permitted ‘limited power to the
Parliament’ to amend the Fundamental Rights.
Which of the above statements is / are Incorrect.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
"My god, it speaks" uttered the Emperor of Brazil and the receiver of the Telephone slipped form his hand and banged around.At the other end Alexander Grahm Bell was still on line.
The incident goes back to 1876 whtn at an exhibition in Philadelphia (USA), Alexander Grahmell was giving a demonstration of his invention. this strange instrument known as Telephoine was to revolutionize life in the years to come.
Bell was born at Edinborough, Scotland. He was a teacher and, was dedicated to the noble cause of teaching the deaf and the dumb. Due to severe illness, Bell was sent to Canada in 1870, where too he got engaged in helpig the dumb-deaf to hear and speak. Thereafter, he shifted to the USA but continued with his work by opening a school for deaf and dumb.
Bell was fond of scientific inventions and was ever engated in making some machines in his spare time. While atBoston, he tried to communicate throughmetal wire.His companion in this work wasWatson. One day while experimentingwith his instrument, Bell spoke to Watson standing at distance, Watson was taken by pleasant surprise as he had heard Bell clearly through hsi instrument. The instrument was a success and Bell patented it.
Graham Bell had some sterling qualities of head and heart. Apart from being and artist he was a kind human being, ready to help the needy. He established and institutionh for the deaf and dumb children He died in 1922 in Canada. The entire northern America paid him a tribiute by hanging up teir telephones for while during his funeral.
1. What according to passage was the contribution of invention of telephone?"
(a) Interaction between tow persons at some distance was
(b) Rich people were able to communicate with others
(c) Graham Bell could converse with Watson regarding invention through telephone
(d) It revolutionize human life
2. Which of the following made Bell to invent telephone?
(a) His activity of teaching
(b) His service to the deaf and dumb
(c) His keen interest in scientific inventions
(d) Encouragement received fromWatson
3. The teaching activity undertaken by Bell was considered 'noble' particularly because—
(a) he was teaching the physically under privileged persons
(b) there was nobody else in the field of education
(c) he was not accepting any salary for that job
(d) he was a very famous scientist of his times
4. Grahm Bell made the telephone call of his invention to the Emperor from the city of—
(a) Edinborough
(b) Philadelphia
(c) Brazil
(d) Boston
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