Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (15 September 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (15 September 2015)
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1. Regarding to the latest source for determining the period of Indus civilization. Consider the following statements:
1. Discovery of Harappan goods in Mesopotamia
2. Discovery of Mesopotamian goods in Harappan sites
3. Radiocarbon dating
Now choose the correct from codes given below:
(a) Only 1
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 3 only
(d) All the above
2. Which two places have yielded medical beliefs and surgery of skull of the Indus people?
(a) Lothal and Banawali
(b) Lothal and kalibanga
(c) Kalibanga and Banawali
(d) Harappa and Banawali
3. Which of the following is not correct regarding the Upanishadas?
(i) Upanishadas mainly revolves around South and Brahma.
(ii) Chandogya Upanishad depicts Satyamev Jayte.
(iii) Upanishadas are called Vedanta.
(iv) Katha Upanishad gives reference to first type Krishna.
(a) i & iii
(b) i, ii & iv
(c) all of the above
(d) ii & iv
4. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) The second to seventh Mandala of Rigveda are known as family text.
(ii) Except 78 hymns all other hymns of Samveda have been taken from Rigveda.
(iii) Tenth Mandala is also known as Purusha Sukta.
(iv) Fourth Mandala consists of references of Agricultural work.
(a) ii & iii
(b) i only
(c) all of the above
(d) i & iv
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
1. Agriculture in America has—industrial progress.
(a) kept pace with
(b) kept paces along
(c) kept its pace for
(d) kept pace together with
2. He has — , he deals both in books and curios.
(a) two bows to his string
(b) two string to his bow
(c) two arrows to his bow
(d) two bows and strings
3. _____ pompous, he was an entertaining companion.
(a) Before
(b) Never
(c) Though
(d) Despite
4. All the caution advocated by his father did not deter him — pursuing his idea of a starting a business.
(a) against
(b) from
(c) upon
(d) into
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