Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (19 August 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (19 August 2015)
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1. Who patronised Mathura Art & built a stupa at Purushpur?
(a) Kijula Kadiphises
(b) Rudradaman
(c) Vima Kadiphises
(d) Moga
2. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Sikandar Lodhi was founder of city of Agra.
(ii) Alauddin Khilji started the practice of old age pension.
(iii) Mohd. bin Tughlaq was the first Sultan to advance loans known as sondhar
to peasants for digging wells to extend cultivation.
(a) vii
(b) i & iii
(c) none of the above
(d) all of the above
3. Who introduced ‘Du-Aspah’ & ‘Site- Aspah’ system?
(a) Shahjahan
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Jehangir
(d) Akbar
4. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Sawar was a Mughal rank that determined the number of
cavalry men.
(ii) Watan Jagirs was an area where there was objection made by the Zamindars.
(iii) Waqf was the grants for religious and educational institutions.
(a) i & iii
(b) ii
(c) all of the abo
(d) none of the above
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
Directions :Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.
Recent advances in science and technology have made it possible for geneticists to find out abnormalities in the unborn foetus and take remedial action to rectify some defects which would otherwise prove to be fatal to the child. Though genetic engineering is still at its infancy, scientists can nowpredictwith greater accuracy a genetic disorder . It is not yet an exact science since they are not in a position to predict when exactly a genetic disorder will set in.While they have not yet been not yet been able to change the genetic order of the gene in germs, they are optimistic and are holding out that in the near future they might be successful in achieving this feat. They have, however, acquired the ability in manipulating tissue cells. However, genetic misinformation can sometimes be damaging for it may adversely affect people psychologically. Genetic information may lead to a tendency to rand some people as inferiors. Genetic information can therefore be abused and itsd application in deciding the sex of teh foetus and its susequent aortion is now hotly debated on ethical lines. But on this issue geneticists cannot be squarely blamed though this charge has often been levelled at them. It is mainly a societal problem. At present genetic engineering is a costly process of detecting disorders ut scientists hope to reduce the costs when technology becomes more advanced. This is why much progress in this area has been possible in scientifically advanced and and rich countries like the USA, UK and Japan. It remains to be seen if in the future this science will lead to obliterate disease from this world.
1. Which of the following is the same in meaning as the phrase 'holding out' as used in the passage?
(a) catching
(b) expounding
(c) sustaining
(d) restraining
2. According to the passage, the question of abortion is
(a) ignored
(b) hotly debated
(c) unanswered
(d) left to the scientists to decide
3. Which of the following is true regarding the reasons for progress in genetic engineering?
(a) It has become popular to abort female foetuses.
(b) Human beings are extremely interested in heredity.
(c) Economically sound and scientifically advanced countries can provide the
infrastructure for such research.
(d) Poor countries desperately need genetic information.
4. Which of the following is the same in meaning as the word 'obliterate' as used in the passage?
(a) wipe off
(b) eradicate
(c) give birth of
(d) wipe out
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