Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (24 July 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (24 July 2015)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Consider the following, which of these are causes of movements of Ocean currents?
i) The Coriolis force
ii) Difference in temperature of ocean waters between equator and poles
iii) Shape and configuration of the continent determines the direction of the
(a) i and ii
(b) ii and iii
(c) All of the above
(d) None
2.Match the following Port Country
i) Dublin
a) Ireland
ii) Hamburg b)
iii) Lisbon
c) Portugal
iv) Alexandria d) Egypt
i-a, ii-d, iii-b, iv-c
i-a, ii-c, iii-b, iv-d
i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a
3.Consider the following, which are incorrect?
i) Vindhyan range is an example of Relict mountain
ii) The Aravalli range is an example of Block mountain
iii) Guru Shikhar is the highest peak of the Abu Hills
(a) i and ii
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iii
(d) None
4. Match the following
i) Wullar Lake
a) Largest fresh water lake of Rajasthan
ii) Kolleru Lake b) Site of hydroelectricity
power Generation
iii) Jaisamand c)
Largest fresh water lake of India
iv) Lohktak
d) Lagoon formed due to enclosure of sand spit now called Sriharikota Island
(a) i- b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c
(b) i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b
(c) i- d, ii-b, iii-a, iv-c
(d) i-c, ii-a, iii-b, iv-d
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
A. Deprived of livelihood and income, they face penury, and
as families split up and spread out, their community bonds crumble.
B. Oddly, all this happens in the name of development, and the victim are
described as beneficiaries.
C. Cut off from their most vital resources, those uprooted are then robbed of
their history traditions and culture.
D. Imagine the entire population of the continent of Australia turned out of
their homes – eighteen million people losing their lands, evicted from their
(a) DACB
(b) DBAC
(c) ACDB
(d) ABDC
A. India accordedMost Favoured Nation (MFN) status to
Pakistan long ago.
B. Matters have hardly improved since dialogue was broken off in early 1994.
C. Pakistan is still only talking about giving India MFNstatus in trade, even
though it is obliged to under the World Trade Organisation.
D. In some ways, they have worsened.
(a) CADB
(b) BDCA
(c) CBDA
(d) ACBD
A. And big was certainly the word at the Classic ITC Cup
held in Bangalore – a total of Rs 75 lakh as prize money!
B. There are also 12 horses that have, among them, won 9 derbies and 24
C. Says a champion jockey, "the Cup is a difficult race to win, but where you
get to ride the best horses."
D. It's called racing's biggest weekend.
(a) BACD
(b) CDAB
(c) DABC
(d) ADCB
A. Small-time sapphire hawkers accost you, scratching their
wares furiously against little panes of glass to prove that the stones are
B. In fact, precious rocks are a typically Thai success story.
C. No visitor to Bangkok can help noticing the Thai gem and jewellery industry.
D. Hundreds of gem shops are strung like a necklace around the big hotels.
(a) DCBA
(b) BDAC
(c) BACD
(d) CADB
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