Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (29 July 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (29 July 2015)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Consider the following statements.
1) In 1928, a series of All Party Conferences headed by Motilal
Nehru drafted a constitutional scheme, called the Nehru Report.
2) In 1931, the Indian National Congress, at its Karachi session, adopted
resolutions defining, as well as committing itself to the defence of fundamental
civil rights, including socio-economic rights such as minimum wage, the
abolition of untouchability and serfdom.
Which of the above statements is / are Incorrect.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. Which the following statements is Incorrect
(a) The doctrine of Basic Structure was introduced in the Maneka
Gandhi V/s Union of India case
(b) The Supreme Court ruled that the Basic Structure cannot be amended by the
Parliament but there is scope of enrichment & amplification
(c) Under National Emergency, the Constitution permits suspension of the
operation of all Fundamental Rights except Article 20 & 21.
(d) Article 19 stated that Fundamental Rights are conditional & subject to
reasonable restrictions
3. Which of the following is not included in the list of Fundamental duties (Art 51 A) in the constitution
(a) To safeguard public property
(b) Secularism
(c) To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India
(d) To abide by the constitution and respect its ideals
4. Fundamental duty was incorporated on the recommendation of the
(a) Shah commission
(b) Administrative reforms Commission
(c) Santhanam committee
(d) Swaran Singh committee
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
Direction : Read the following passages carefully and
answer the questions that follow.
The King of Kanchi set off to conquer Karnat. He was victorious in
battle.The elephants were laden with sandalwood, ivory, gold and preoious
stones taken from the conquered kingdomof Karnat. Theywould be a part of the
victory parade for his subjects. On his way back home, he stopped at a
temple; finished his prayers to the goddess and turned to leave. Around his
neck was a garland of scarlet hibiscus and as was the custom for all, his
forehead was anointed with red sandal paste. His Minister and the court
jester were his only companions. At one spot, in a mango grove by the
wayside, they spied some children play. The King said, Let me go and see
what they are playing. The children had lined up two rows of clay dolls and
were playing warriors and battles. The King asked, Who is fighting whom ?
They said, Karnat is at battle with Kanchi.
The King asked, Who is winning and who is the loser ? The children puffed their chests up and said, Karnatwill win andKanchiwill lose. TheMinister froze in disbelief, the King was furious and the jester burst into laughter.
The King was soon joined by his troops and the children were still immersed in their game. The King commanded, Cane them hard. The childrens parents came running from the nearby village and said, They are naive, it was just a game, please grant thempardon. TheKing called his commander and ordered, Teach these children and the village a lesson so that they never forget the King of Kanchi. He went back to his camp.
That evening the Commander stood before the King. He bowed low in shame and said, Your Majesty, with the exception of hyenas and vultures, all lie silent in the village. The Minister said, His Majestys honour has been saved. The priest said, The goddess has blessed our King. The jester said, Your Highness, please grant me leave to go now. The King asked, But why ? The jester said, I cannot kill, I cannotmaim, I can only laugh at Gods gift of life. Trembling in the face of the kings anger he bravely continued, If I stay in your Majestys court, I shall become like you and I shall forget how to laugh.
1. Why was the king angry with the children?
(a) Because the game they were playing was dangerous
(b) They had lied to him
(c) They did not recognize him as king
(d) They had unknowingly insulted him
2. What excuse was given for the childrens behaviour?
(a) They were disobedient to their parents wishes
(b) They were unaware of the true facts of the battle
(c) They were upset that their army had lost
(c) They were in the habit of lying
3. Why did the jester laugh at the childrens reply to the king?
1. They correctly predicted the outcome of the battle.
2. Their reply was cheeky because they knew he was the king.
3. He wanted to show that their reply was a joke to save themfrombeing punished
by the king.
(a) Only ?
(b) Both 1 and 2
(c) Only 3
(d) None of these
4.Why were the elephants carrying loads of gold and other valuables?
(a) This was what the king had looted from Karnat to distribute among his
soldiers as a reward
(b) This was the kings offering to the deity out of gratitude for making him
(c) It was what the king had plundered from Karnat to display to the people of
his kingdom as a sign of victory
(d) So that the people of the kingdom of Karnat acknowledged him as their new
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