Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (30 May 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (30 May 2015)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Vultures which used to be very common in Indian countryside some years ago are rarely seen nowadays. This is attributed to
(a) the destruction of their nesting sites by new invasive
(b) a drug used by cattle owners for treating their diseased cattle
(c) scarcity of food available to them
(d) a widespread, persistent and fatal disease among them
2. In the areas covered under the Panchayat (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996, what is the role/power of Gram Sabha?
1. Gram Sabha has the power to prevent alienation of land in the
Scheduled Areas.
2. Gram Sabha has the ownership of minor forest produce.
3. Recommendation of Gram Sabha is required for granting prospecting licence or
mining lease for any mineral in the Scheduled Areas.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
3. In the Parliament of India, the purpose of an adjournment motion is
(a) to allow a discussion on a definite matter of urgent public
(b) to let opposition members collect information from the ministers
(c) to allow a reduction of specific amount in demand for grant
(d) to postpone the proceedings to check the inappropriate or violent behaviour
on the part of some members
4. How does National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) help in protecting the Indian agriculture?
1. NBA checks the biopiracy and protects the indigenous and
traditional genetic resources.
2. NBA directly monitors and supervises the scientific research on genetic
modifi-cation of crop plants.
3. Application for Intellectual Property Rights related to genetic/biological
resources cannot be made without the approval of NBA.
Which of the statements given above is /are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
In each question given below are two Statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given Statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the the given two Statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
I. All jungles are tigers.
II. Some tigers are horses.
I. Some tigers are jungles.
II. All horses are jungles.
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If neither I nor II follows
(d) If both I and II follow
I. All birds are tall.
II. Some tall are hens.
I. Some birds are hens.
II. Some hens are tall.
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If neither I nor II follows
(d) If both I and II follow
3. Statement:
I. Some scooters are trucks.
II. All trucks are trains.
I. Some scooters are trains.
II. No truck is a scooter.
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If neither I nor II follows
(d) If both I and II follow
4. Statement:
I. All men are dogs.
II. All dogs are cats.
I. All men are cats.
II. All cats are men.
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If neither I nor II follows
(d) If both I and II follow
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
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