Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (8 July 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (8 July 2015)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Consider the following:
1. Star tortoise
2. Monitor lizard
3. Pygmy hog
4. Spider monkey
Which of the above are naturally found in India?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2 3 and 4
2. Which of the following can be found as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India?
1. Arsenic
2. Sorbitol
3. Fluoride
4. Formaldehyde
5. Uranium
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2, 4 and 5 only
(c) 1,3 and 5 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
3. With reference to Indian History, the Members of the Constituent Assembly from the Provinces were
(a) Directly elected by the people of those Provinces
(b) Nominated by the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League
(c) Elected by the Provincial Legislative Assemblies
(d) Selected by the Government for their expertise in constitutional matters
4. Consider the following Animals
1. Sea cow
2. Sea horse
3. Sea lion
Which of the above is / are mammal/mammals?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1,2 and 3
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
1.You along with your mother were shopping in a Delhi Lajpat Nagar Market for your sister’s marriage . Suddenly you heard an intense sound of blast very close by. You...
(a) run towards yourmother and hold her tightly
(b) take your rights away from the source of noise and start praying for the
(c) start locating the source of noise
(d) start shouting for help
2.Transparency is, in many ways, the basis for participatory decision-making. Transparency enables people to participate meaningfully in public decision-making by providing themwith the information they need to understand, evaluate, and influence the actions of decision-makers.While some international organizations have recently improved their information disclosure policies and practices,they still fall well short of international best practice. According to you, what is the best practice which improve transparency ?
(a) A guiding principle of maximum disclosure, in which all information is
subject to disclosure unless there is an overriding public interest in keeping
it secret.
(b) Broad definitions of the scope of information subject to disclosure.
(c) Clear, accessible mechanisms for the public to exercise of the right to
information, including an independent mechanism through which denials of
information requests can be Appealed
(d) Practical steps to promote greater access to Information
3.The city observed lowest temperature of the last decade accompanied by heavy fog during the week. Most of the flights from the city were indefinitely delayed causing panic among the passengers. What you
(a) plan for new airport
(b) improve the training of the pilots
(c) judge the whole scenario of the delaying, prioritise some areas and plan
(d) update the planes with latest technology
4.If you are the examiner and students demand that examination board give separate time for reading the question papers over and above the stipulated time for answering the paper. How you convince the candidates who are interrupting the exam ?
I. No, it is not necessary to give separate time since reading the question
paper takes hardly any time.
II. No, reading the question is a part of preparation for writing the answer,
and therefore no separate time is required to be Given.
III. Yes, separate time is necessary since a lot of time goes on reading the
question paper and many students find it very difficult to complete the answer
paper in spite of having the knowledge.
(a) Only I is strong
(b) Only II and III are strong
(c) Only I and II are strong
(d) Only III is strong
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
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