(Syllabus) Mains Examination - Syllabus (Computer Science)
Mains Examination Syllabus - Computer Science
1. Formal Languages and Automata Theory Finite state machines, push down automata, Finite automata, context free language, context sensitive language, Turing machine, Decision question and undecided problems.
2. Computer Organisation .
Functional components, CPU design, Memory organisation and I/O organisation.
3. Operating Systems.
Process management, Memory management, File management I/O management.
4. Software Engineering
Life cycle model, function oriented design, object oriented
design, User interface design, coding and Testing, software requirement, project
management, software
reliability and Maintenance.
1. Data Structures
Continuous and Non-continuous data structures, Dynamic storage allocations, File organisation techniques.
2. Principle of Programming Languages.
Various programming paradigms, syntax, semantics, Block structure, Scooping, Binding, Object oriented programming, Functional programming, Logic and concurrent programming.
3. Database Management
Concept, Data independence, Different models, storage organisation, query languages, Normal forms, Decomposition, Security, concurrency, Recovery.
4. Data communication and computer Networks
Basics of digital communication, Network architecture, physical layer, Medium access protocols, Data-link layer, Network layer, Transport layer and Application layer.