(Syllabus) Mains Examination - Syllabus (English)
Mains Examination Syllabus - English
1. History of English Literature from the ANGLO-SAXON period to the modern period Essay Type Quations various AGES & MOVEMENTS OF LITERATURE
2. Poetry :
(i) Shakespeare : Sonnets 30,60,65
(ii) John Donne : The Sun-Rising, Death be not Proud
(iii) Milton : Paradise Lost Book I
(iv) Pope : Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
(v) Dryden : Macflecknoe.
(vi) Gray : Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.
(vii) Wordsworth : Tintern Abbey
(viii) Coleridge : Ancient Mariner
(ix) Shelley : To a Skylark or Ode to the West Wind
(x) Keats : Ode to a Nighingale or Ode to Autumn.
(xi) Tennyson : Tears idle Tears
(xii) Arnold : Dover Beach
(xiii) W.B. Yeats : The Second Coming
(xiv) T.S. Eliot : Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
(xv) W.H. Auden : Look Stranger.
(The poems are available in English Poetry Selections for English Major Courses published by the Guwahati University)
3. Non-Fictional Prose :
1. Bacon : Of Revenge or Of Studies
2. Lamb : New Year’s Eve.
3. Hazlitt : The Indian Juggler.
4. Arnold : Literature & Science
5. Bertrand Russell : Road to Happiness or Science and War
6. George Orweil : Reflections of Gandhi
7. Jawaharlal Nehru : Homage to Gandhi
4. Explanation one each from SECTION - II & III
1. Drama :
(i) Christopher Marlowe : Dr. Faustus
(ii) Shaksespeare : The Merchant of Venice or Hamlet
(iii)Bernard Shaw : Candida.
(iv) Harold Pinter : The Birth Day Party
Samuel Beckett : Waiting for Godot.
2. Prose Fiction :
(a) Novels :
(i) Daniel Defoe : Robinson Crusoe.
(ii) Dickens : Great Expectations.
(iii) Hardy : The Return of the Native orFar From The Maddiing Crowd.
(iv) James Joyce : A Portrait of The Artist As a Young Man
(b) Short Stories :
(i) Katherine Mansfield : A Cup of Tea
(ii) D. H. Lawrence : The Rocking Horse Winner
(iii)Emest Hemingway : A Canary For One.
The stories are from ‘Ten Short Stories’ edited by Jatin Muhanti, University Press Hyderabad.
3. An Essay on A Literary Topic
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