(Syllabus) Mains Examination - Syllabus (Geology)
Mains Examination Syllabus - Geology
Group A : General geology and structural geology :
Introduction to geology Scope of geology, its subdivision and relation to the other branches of science, Rocks– Igeneous, sedimentary and matamorphic– their characters, abundance, distribution and distinguishing characters. Geological time scale.
Solar systme and the position of the earth in its orgin age and constitution of the earth, weathering of rocks, Gelogical work of river, glacier, wind and sea, Volcanoes types, distribution products and geological effects, Earthquakes causes, distribution affects. Earthquake waves types and uses in the interpretation of the earth, interior, ground water meaning of the term, water, table artesian, well, squifer and springs.
Basic concept of geomorphlogy, normal cycle of erosion. Drainage patterns. Landforms by the action of water, ice and wind.
Structural geology Glinometer compass and its use, Primary and Secondary structures, Dip and strike and their representation. Folds, faults, joints and unconformitiestheir description, classification, recognition in the field and effects on outstrop patterns. Criteria for the recognition of the top and bottom of sedimentary strata. Preliminary knowledge of foliation, Schistosity and lineatio elementary ideas about geosyncline progenesis, isostasy, continental drift, Island arcs, Structural features of India.
Group B : Palaeontology :
Fossils Defintion, conditions of entombment, types of preservation and uses, Broad division of the fossils into micro and macrofossils, vertebrate and invertebrate fossils, palaeobotany and palynology.
Morphological features and geological distribution of coral branchiopode, bivalves (Lamellibranchs) gastropode, cephalopods, trilobites, echinoids, A brief sutdy of the Gondwana flora and the Siwalik mammals.
Group C : Crystallography and mineralogy :
Crystallography Crystalline and amorphous substances, Crystalits definiton and morphological characteristics, elements of cyrstal structures lattice, unit cell, 14 lattice types, crystallographic axes, axial ratio, parameter and indices, crystal torms and zones, their mathematical relations, Law of crystallography, Symmetry elements, symetry elements of the normal classes of the crystaystems crystal habits. Twing crystals and twinnning in feldspars, Clinograph projection of crystals.
Mineralogy Pirnciples of optics, Polarisation of light, Construction of the cicol prism, Behaviour of light through isotrop and anisotropic substances, refractive index, birfringence and interference colours, Pleochroism, extinction and extinction angles.
Physical, Chemical and optical properties of the following groups of minerals— feldspar, pyroxene, Amphisirving, mica and garnet and the following minerals are provl, zircon, calcite, tourmaline, apatite, aluminate, kyanite, epidote, sphene magnetics, haematite, serpentine, ilmenite, staurlite and topax.
GROUP A : Petrology :
Igneous petrology its tyeps, compositon and nature, Crystallisation of magma, differentiation and assimilation, Bowen’s reaction principle, Mode of occurrence and mineralogy of igneous rocks. Taxtures and structures of igneous rocks. Classification of igneous rocks mineralogical and quasichmical, descriptive patrography of granite, aplite, pegmatite, rhyolite gabbro, dolerite, basalt and estite, diorite, trachyte and gabbro.
Sedimentary petrology sedimentary pricesses and products, An outline of the classification of sedimentary rocks. Important sedimentary structures badding, graded badding, ripple marks, sole marks, rain prints and mud cracks.
Residual deposits laterites,. their origin, types and use.
A preliminary idea of clastic, organic and chemical sediments, Descriptive petrography of sandstone, shalc, grurwacke, arkose, grit, limestone, Marl, conglomerate and colitic limestone.
Metamorphic petrology — Defintion, agents and types of metamorphism, distinguishing characters of metamorphic rocks, Zones and grades of metamorphism. A prelimiary idea of metamorphic facies. The taxtures and structures of metamorphic rocks, Regional metamorphism of argillaceous sediments.
Brief petrographic description of quartzite, marble, slate, phyllite, schist, gnesis, amphibolite, granulite and calegneiss.
GROUP B : Economic Geology :
Processes of formation of mineral deposits. Ore, ore mineral and gangue. Simple classificatin of ore deposits. Brief study of mode of occurence, origin distribtuion (in India) and economic uses of gold ores, iron, manganese, chromium, copper, aluminium, lead and Zinc and mica, sillimanite, diamond, coal and petroleum, limestone, coal and hydrocarbon deposits of Assam. Minerals for cement and fertiliser Industries and their occurence in N.E. India.
An introduction to Geological prospecting.
Physical Characters, chemical composition and occurrence in India of Graphite, azurite, malachite, chalcophyrite, pyrite, sidertie, chromite, psilomelane, bauxite, asbestos, corundum, barite, dolomite, flourite, galena and laterite.
GROUP C : Stratigraphy :
Fundamental laws of stratigraphy, Classification of stratified rocks into lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic units, Chronostratigraphy, An outline of the geology of the Indian subcontinent. A brief study of the following with respect to their distribution, lithology, fossil content (if any) and economic importance precanbrian rocks of Karnatka, Shingbhum and A/ N.E. India, cuddapah rocks of the types area vindhynan of Sone Velley, Gondwanas of Bihar, Triasic rocks of Spiti Jurassic rocks of Cutch, Cretaceous rocks of Trichinopoly and Meghalaya and Cainozoic rocks of N. E. India.
Study of the modes of occurrence, compositon and Geological age of the following rocks types Charnokite Khondalite, Khasi Greenstone, Mylliem Granite, Sylhet, Traps and Deccan Traps.