(Syllabus) Mains Examination - Syllabus (Sociology)
Mains Examination Syllabus - Sociology
Introduction to types of Society in India : Tribal, Agrarian and Industrial.
Village Communities : Characteristics, Types, Tribal and Agrarian.
Caste : Meaning of Caste, Traditional features of caste. Theories of the origin of caste, changes in caste, caste and class castism.
Major Religions in India : Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Buddhism Christianity, Neo - Vaishnavism in Assam.
Rural Power Structure : Traditional and present Panchayat system, Tribal Village Council, Democratic Political system and changing power structure.
Urbanisation in India : Features, Urbanism, a way of life Rural Development and reconstruction programmes.
Tribes of India : General ethnic and population survey -- Tribal communities in Assam and their Socio - Cultural life problems of tribal development, development schemes, Constitutional provisions, Tribal identity and movement.
Background of the Development of Sociological thought. A brief outline.
Comte : Law of three stages positive and hirarchy of Science.
Herbert Spencer : Concept of Social Evolution and Organisism.
Emila Durkheim : Social Facts, Social Solidarity Mechanical and Organic, Theory of Religion.
Karl Marx : Materialistic Interpretation of History, Class and Class Conflicts, Alienation.
Max Weber : Social Action and Ideal Type, Types of Authority, Religion and Economy.
Merten : Functionalism, Manifest and latest function.
Persons : Theory of action, Social system and pattern variable.
Sociology (Optional) Study Materials for UPSC Mains
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