(Notification) Assam PSC : Preliminary Examination of the Combined Competitive Exam for Various Posts 2014
Assam Public Service Commission
(ADVT. NO 2/2014)
Preliminary Examination of the Combined Competitive Examination 2014
The Assam Public Service Commission will hold the Preliminary Examination of the Combined Competitive Examination, 2014 for screening candidates for the Main Examination for recruitment to the under-mentioned services/posts in accordance with the Assam Public Services Combined Competitive Examination Rules 1989. The actual numbers of vacancies against each services/posts including reserved categories are shown below:
Vacancy Details :
Name & No. of Posts :
Assam Civil Service (Jr.Grade) : 90 Posts
Assam Police Service (Jr.Grade) : 47 Posts
Labour Officer : 03 Posts
Superintendent of Taxes : 07 Posts
Superintendent of Excise : 03 Posts
District Transport Officer : 07 Posts
Inspector of Labour : 01 Posts
Inspector of Taxes : 21 Posts
Inspector of Excise : 01 Posts
Total No. of Posts : 180 Posts
Age Limit:
He/She should not be less than 21 years and more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2014.
The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates i.e. upto 43 years. There will also be relaxation of upper age limit in respect of Persons With Disability by 5 years i.e. upto 43 years. The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation/HSLC Admit Card/Certificate issued by a recognized Board/ Council, and no other document shall be accepted in lieu thereof for the purpose.
Educational Qualification:
The candidate must hold a Degree from any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational institutions established by an Act of parliament or declared to be Deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possess such qualification as may be declared equivalent by the Government.
Candidates must possess the prescribed qualification on the date of submission of their applications.
Candidates awaiting results of the qualifying examination on the closing date of submission of application need not apply.
Application Fee (for Preliminary Examination only) :
Application Fees : NIL
Examination Fees –Rs 25/- for SC, ST(P) & ST(H). For others Rs 50/- to be deposited only through e-Challan with State Bank of India.
The journal number generated by the Bank should be uploaded in the online application System of the Commission.
Fee is not refundable.
Fees for the Main Examination will be notified in due course of time.
Stages of The Examination :
The Combined Competitive Examination consists of two successive stages:
The Preliminary Examination and
The Main Examination (Written and Interview).
Preliminary Examination:
The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers of objective type multiple choice questions of two hours duration each.
The questions will be of Objective type with multiple choices.
Main Examination:
The Main Examination consists of (A) Written Examination and (B) Interview Test.
(A) Written Examination :
On the results of the Preliminary Examination, the number of candidates to be admitted to the written part of the Main Examination will be 11 to 12 times the number of vacancies aforesaid. The selection will be strictly on the basis of merit adhering to the norms of Vertical and Horizontal Reservation as per prescribed law in force.
(B) Interview Test:
On the results of the Written part of the Main Examination the number of candidates to be called for interview will be about twice the number of vacancies advertised. The selection will be strictly on the basis of merit adhering to the norms of Vertical and Horizontal Reservation as per prescribed law in force.
The interview will carry 200 marks with no qualifying marks.
The candidates will be interviewed by the Commission with the assistance of advisers deputed by the Government of Assam.
The marks scored at the interview will be added to the marks scored in the written part of the Main Examination and the ranking of the candidates will be determined on the basis of
the total marks obtained. -
The Commission shall recommend exactly the same number of candidates for different posts as notified.
The candidates will be allotted Cadre strictly on the basis of merit cum preferences opted by candidates in their applications for the Main Examination.
The Commission shall not recommend a candidate for a post which he/she has not opted for.
Centres for the Preliminary & Main Examination :
The centres for the Combined Competitive Preliminary Examination are: Bongaigaon, Barpeta, Dhubri, Dibrugarh, Dhemaji, Diphu, Golaghat, Goalpara, Haflong, Jorhat, Kokrajhar, Karimganj, Mangaldoi, Morigaon, Nagaon, Nalbari, North Lakhimpur, Silchar, Sivasagar, Tezpur, Tinsukia And Guwahati.
The Combined Competitive (Main) Examination will be held in Guwahati only
How to Apply :
Candidates Are Required To Apply For The Preliminary Exam. Through Online Mode Only, No Other Mode For Submission Of Application Is Allowed.
Online Instructions :
Instructions for filling up online form have been uploaded in APSC website www.apsc.nic.in . Candidates should carefully go through the instructions while filling up forms.
Candidates are not required to send any document i.e. the online application form, registration slip, bank challan or the journal entry confirmation slip etc. to the office of the Commission.
Since the applications are submitted online, the question of submission of applications through proper channel in case of the candidates already employed becomes redundant. However, such candidates shall intimate their appropriate appointing authority about submission of application in writing.
The candidates already employed should note that the prerogative for according permission to appear in C.C. (Preliminary & Main) Examinations / join services on being selected by the Commission in due course of time shall rest upon the appropriate authority. The Commission shall not be in any way responsible/accountable.
Online form may be filled up w.e.f. 10/04/2014 to 12.00 Midnight of 10/05/2014 only. No application can be filled up after expiry of the given time as the link will be disabled.
PWD (Person With Disability) candidates are to inform the Commission in writing for scribe if required, within one month of the expiry of the closing date for online submission of application.
Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application: 10-04-2014.
Last Date for Receipt of Online Application: 10-05-2014 by 12:00 Midnight.
Click Here For Official Notification
Courtesy : Assam Public Service Commission