(Syllabus) Prelim Examination - Syllabus (Economics)
Preliminary Examination Syllabus - Economics
UNIT - I : Economics problem, nature of economics laws, price mechanism, Demand and supply, nature of demand curve Elastic and inelastic demand, Factors determining them, Indifference curves - properties, laws of returns, Superiority over analysis, Cost curves, Fixed and Variable, marginal cost and average cost, their relationship. Equilibrium, conditions of equilibrium under perfect competition monopoly and monopolistic competition. Gross and net national income rent wages, interest and profit, Trade cycles, Characteristics, Phases and causes of trades. Types of unemployment.
UNIT - II : National income, estimate and measurement difficulties, different kinds of money, origin of money, supply of money, price level, index numbers, its construction, uses and limitations quantity theory of money, assumption and limitation. Power and functions of central bank, inflation and deflation, causes and remedies. Monetary standards, foreign exchange, its determination.
UNIT - III : Nature of public finance, Distinction
between public finance and private finance, sources of public revenues, tax and
non-tax revenue, direct and indirect taxes includence and burden of taxation,
Factors determining taxable capacity, public expenditure and public debt, Effect
of tax public expenditure and public debt on production and employment methods
of debt, repayment, Distinction between debt redemption and coversion, Fiscal
policy and monetary
policy, their limitations. Tax Evasion and tax Avoidance, Fiscal policy, its
role in a developing economy.
UNIT - IV : Developed, under developed and developing countries basic features and characteristics with reference to India, India’s national income during plan-period, contribution of different sectors to national income, population problems- its impacts on economic development, unemployment & capital formation. Agricultural problem, causes of low, productivity, mechanisation of India agriculture, green revolution- its impact Land reforms, agricultural credit, agricultural marketing, slow growth of industries in India- causes and remedies, Industrial policy, Industrial finance- its sources. Public Sector Industries- their role andefficiency, small scale industries, problems and remedial measures. Foreign Trade, Trades-gaps and measures of bridging them, Role of economic planning- objectives, priorities, achievements and failure in India Price Problem - causes and remedies. Poverty eradication measures adopted under Five Year Plans, nationalisation of Commercial Banks- Lead Bank Scheme.