(Syllabus) Prelim Examination - Syllabus (Fisheries)
Preliminary Examination Syllabus - Fisheries
* Basic principles of aquaculture. Origin growth and present global and national scenario. Prospects of aquaculture in relation to the national and state economy.
* Status, scope and prospects of freshwater aquaculture in India and North Eastern States. Systems of aquaculture. Concepts of integrated aquaculture systems. Cultivable fin and shell fishes.
* Soil and water quality for fish culture. Manuring and fertilization of fish pond. Management of soil quality for aquaculture.
* Inland water bodies - physical, chemical and biological properties of water in relation to aquaculture. Biological communities of inland waters. Common groups of phyto and zoo planktons.
* Pond for fish culture. Location, design and construction of fish pond, cage and pen.
* Fish and shell fish breeding, traditional and modern fish hatching devices. Brood stock and nursery pond management.
* Fish feed - natural and artificial. Nutritional requirement of commercially important cultivable fish species. Conventional and non-conventional fish feeds. Feed formulation and processing.
* Significance of fish diseases in relation to aquaculture practices, their diagnosis and fish health management.
* Economics of fish production system - culture and capture.
* Concept and fundamentals of fishery extension education. Present system of fishery extension service.
Fishing gears. Traditional fishing fears of gears and other water bodies of Assam. Modern commercial fishing methods. Traditional and modern methods of fish preservation. Post harvest management of fin and shell fish. Marine capture fisheries