(Essay) An Essay: Tsunami:
Essay: Tsunami:
Magnitude of the disaster
The Tsunami has once again demonstrated the fury of nature and the tragedy it
can cause. It showed us that nature could be as harsh as it is benevolent. The
Tsunami, an extraordinary calamity of unprecedented proportions, is a reminder
that no matter how much wealth or power man acquires, he is still at the mercy
of the elements. The havoc created by tsunami can never be forgotten. The most
powerful earthquake in 40 years quickly turned into one of the worst disasters
in a century, as walls of water crashed ashore across South Asia. The number of
human casualties, mostly children and women, is horrible and is increasing with
the passage of time. Every person you meet in the tsunami-hit area has his own
story to tell but no one is there to listen him or her.
In poor countries, living is so hand-to-mouth that there is scant time to think
about the distant future. This dreadful disaster of such a vast dimension has
led to outbreak of diseases like cholera, gastroenteritis, hepatitis B, malaria,
and dengue fever. It (tsunami) ravaged some of the most fragile economies in
Burma, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.
Religion and Science
Today, in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster, we are caught up in the same
debate between traditional beliefs and scientific solution. The fisherfolk,
despite devastation caused to them by the sea, are offering traditional prayers
to the goddess called Gangamma, believed to be their protector. They think that
sea goddess is angry due to their past sins and now needs to be appeased.
Fisherfolk is badly riddled with ancient superstitions.
Role of India
India refused aid from foreign governments and assured them that India has
enough to meet its requirements. In expression of neighbourly solidarity and
sympathy, India offered a helping hand to affected neighbour countries despite
It's own problems. The loss of critical infrastructure of less developed
countries is a double blow. It makes getting assistance to victims that much
more harder. Lack of coordination between government and relief agencies creates
chaos and makes the mockery of the disaster management.
Corruption and disaster
Corruption has made its presence felt everywhere and everytime. It could be
noticed in the leakage of foodgrains meant for tsunami victims into the open
market. People with power have not let this opportunity go from their hands in
exploiting the poor masses. It is disturbing to find officials insisting on
death certificates for the payment of compensation to the family of those
killed. Such administrative bottlenecks should be avoided. The humanitarian
concerns are often absent in our government's policies of disaster management,
as well as functioning of its agencies, which are supposed to provide relief to
victims of disasters.
Role of defence forces
Defence forces played a crucial role in all aspects of the disaster. The active
roles of defence forces that came to the rescue of the victims and helped build
confidence among the affected people
Role of media
Media played an important role in tackling the agony and the pain of the tsunami
victims. It is the media because of whom many people could get united. Star
News, a TV news channel operating in India, went one step further. It put an
L.C.D near a relief camp, which helped victims lessen their mental pain and
distress. The media could have played a vital role in dispelling the impression
of cynicism generated in the sections of Western media when India declined
foreign aid.
On the other side of the fence, print media also violated the dignity of the
dead by showing images of mass burial. The relatives of the affected people
fiercely condemned this act. The excessive coverage of the visits of VIPs and
famous personalities often hinders the relief work. Media should give minimum
coverage to visits of these people so they will automatically stop coming
because of lack of reward.
The need of the hour is to put the human back into humanitarian. Relief cannot
be measured solely in monetary terms, because only a miniscule fraction or at
times nothing reaches the needy. The boycott of used clothes and packet-food
indicate that the victims need emotional and psychological touch and not just
monetary and material relief. The victims desperately require a human contact to
resettle their shattered emotional lives. The trauma of the disaster has
engulfed the lives of affected people and they need to be given psychological
counselling to help them come out of their severe trauma.
The lesson that I learnt from this dreadful disaster is that the Tsunami has
reunited people and thrashed the inner egos. Tsunami removed the status-based
divisions, having spared no section of the community. Individual acts of
heroism, collective efforts that saved lives, nations coming together in the
relief efforts are signs of hope.
Courtesy : iasaspirant.rediffblogs.com/