(Article) Public Administration: Effective Presentation Seven Principles
Effective Presentation (Seven Principles)
Underline the Key words and the latest updates that you have incorporated in your answer.
Highlight the Reports, Commission, new researches and approaches in the field, etc. if you have quoted them in you answer.
Make some lucid diagrams to make your presentation effective. But remember that the diagrams need to be well integrated your answer. You can do this by simply incorporating a statement like – this can be diagrammatically represented as follows. Mind it the diagrams must be explained.
Each topic has some key words and the examiner expects you to write them.
Another, crucial factor which many of us tend to overlook is the selection of the first answer. Remember “FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE LAST IMPRESSION”, hence your first answer should be your best answer, i.e. one in which you have command and also have SOMETHING NEW to give in the form of linkages, recent reports, diagrams, maps etc.
Try to integrate the statement of the question, somewhere in you answer. Either begin with it or end with it. This makes your answer FOCUSED and well knit.
Last, but not the least, just before your examination give your precious three to four hours to those things which are the dynamic aspects of your preparation. This includes the latest updates, reports, diagrams etc. Even glancing over these things at the last moment makes them alive and fresh in your memory (provided you have read them earlier) and they can be reproduced more authentically in the examination. This will definitely make the difference.
These are the SEVEN GOLDEN PRINCIPLES for SCORING in PUBLIC Administration. These are not merely to be memorized and re-told to others rather these need to be applied in writing answers. So the thrust should be on writing answer and getting them evaluated. The more you practice the better answers you would be able to evolve and write.
“It is not wide reading but useful reading that tends to excellence”.
Useful Reading For Public Administration
B.L. Phadia ( Public Admin : Administrative Theories And Concepts)
IGNOU study material of UG level for the comprehensive study of the whole syllabus for main examination.
Prasad and Prasad (Administrative Thinkers)
Mohit Bhattacharya (New Horizons of Public Admin.)
Rumaki Basu ( Public Admn : Concepts and Theories)
R.K. Arora (Comparative Public Administration)
M.P. Sharma and B.L. Sadana ( Public Admin : Theories and Practice)
M.J.K. Thavaraj or T.N. Chaturvedi ( Financial Administration )
Awasthi and Maheshwari (Public Administration )
S.R. Maheshwari (Indian Administration)
R.K. Arora and Rajini Goyal (Indian Administration)
Padma Ramchandran (Indian administration)
P.R. Dubhashi (Recent Trends of Public Administration)
R.K. Sapru (Public Policy)
S.S. Khera (District Administration)
Subhash Kashyap (Our Constitution & Our Parliament)
D.D. Basu (Introduction to the constitution of India)
Nicholas Henry (Public Administration and Public Affairs )
Stephen Robbins (Organisational Behaviour )
Journals of Indian Institute of Public Administration.
Note : Apart from the class notes and basic books other books are just for the reference to enhance the approach in the subject.