(Paper) Model Questions for Medical Entrance Tests
Questions for Medical Entrance Tests
1. Total requirement of ATP for C3 pathway is
a) 8
b) 18
c) 35
d) 38
e) 12
Ans: B
2. The threshold stimulus for most excitable cells is
a) -70mV
b) +30mV
c) -55 to -60 mV
d) -20 to -40 mV
e) +60mV
Ans: C
3. Proto nephridial excretory system is seen in
a) planaria
b) liver fluke
c) branchiostoma
d) both (a) and (b)
e) all of the above
Ans: E
4. The compound tubular glands of the duodenal epithelium are
a) crypts of leberkuhn
b) goblet glands
c) brunner's glands
d) enterocytes
e) none of the above
Ans: C
5. Pesticide with very low biodegradation and strong affinity for fatty
tissues are
a) organo phosphates
b) organochlorides
c) pyrethrodids
d) allerthrin
e) triazines
Ans: B
6. The addiction of LSD leads to the
a) damage of the kidney
b) damage of the lungs
c) damage of the heart
d) damage of the stomach
e) mental and emotional disturbances
Ans: E
7. Leguminous plants show sleep like movements due to
a) turger movement
b) tropic movement
c) sleeping movement
d) nastic movement
e) tactic movement
Ans: A
8. In submerged plants, CO2 reaches the photosynthetic cells in the form
a) carbon tetrachloride
b) bicarbonates
c) carbondioxide
d) carbonic acid
e) carbon monoxide
Ans: B
9. Genes are made of
a. Histones
b. Lipoproteins
c. Hydrocarbons
d. Polynucleotides
Ans: D
10. The interconnecting cells in the retina forming the horizontal
pathway are
a. Amacrine cells
b. Bipolars
c. Cones
d. Rods
Ans: A
11. Jawless vertebrates are known as
a. Osteichthyes
b. Agnatha
c. Gnathostomata
d. Chondrichthyes
Ans: B
12. What is absent at the Nodes of Ranvier?
a. Axoplasm
b. Myelin sheath
c. Neurilemma
d. Both (a) and (c)
Ans: B
13. The first two carbon compound formed in photorespiration is
b) PGA
d) glucose 6-phosphate
e) phosphoglycolate
Ans: E
14. An obligate stem parasite is
a) rafflesia
b) orobunche
c) cuscuta
d) monotropa
e) loranthus
Ans: C
15. Water potential is equal to
a) Ψ
b) π + WP
c) π + TP
d) Ψs + Ψp
e) none of these
Ans: D
16. A The quantitative inheritance was first observed by
a) Kolreuter
b) Mendel
c) Morgan
d) Darwin
e) Johannsen
Ans: B
17. An example of a cell lacking nuclear membrane and mitochondria is
a. Bacterial cell
b. Protozoan cell
c. Algal cells
d. Fungal cell
Ans: A
18. Which of these is found only during the development of mammals?
a. Blastocoel
b. Blastopore
c. Blastula
d. Blastocyst
Ans: D
19. Napiform root is present in
a. Turnip
b. Tapioca
c. Radish
d. Carrot
Ans: A
20. Which of the following is not correctly matched
a. Gill-slit / Chordata
b. Stinging cells / Coelenterata
c. Flame cells / Platyhelminthes
d. Metametric segmentation / Mollusca
Ans: D
21. The plasma membrane is
a. Permeable
b. Impermeable
c. Semi permeable
d. Differentially permeable
Ans: D
22. In lakes which show thermal stratification during summer, a
transition zone of gradual change of temperature separating the upper layer from
the deeper water mass is marked. This is called
a) epilimnion
b) hypolimnion
c) ecotone
d) thermocline
e) littoral zone
Ans: D
23. The literal meaning of dura mater of the meninges is
a) spider's Web
b) soft mother
c) hard mother
d) mother of pearl
e) loose mantle
Ans: C
24. In rheumatoid arthritis, the inflammated synovial membrane secretes
abnormal granules called
a) atheroma
b) plaques
c) pannus
d) volutin granules
e) schuffner's granules
Ans: C
25. The active site on the F-actin filaments of the sarcomere is masked
a) tropomyosin
b) troponin
c) G-actin
d) meromyosin
e) myosin head
Ans: B
26. In atherosclerosis, the atheromatous plaque will be deposited on the
wall of large and medium sized arteries on
a) tunica intima only
b) tunica media only
c) tunica externa only
d) both (a) and (b)
e) all of the above
Ans: D
27. Inflammation of bronchi, characterized by hypertrophy and
hyperplasia of sero-mucous gland, regular coughing and green yellow sputum
a) emphysema
b) bronchial asthma
c) bronchitis
d) pneumonia
e) silicosis
Ans: C
28. The organic matter stored on the top soil comprising freshly dead
and partially decomposed plant and animal material is called
a) humus
b) detritus
c) clay
d) silt
e) worn cast
Ans: B
29. At nine weeks of development, the head of human foetus will have its
size about
a) double the length of the foetus
b) ½ the length of the foetus
c) ⅓ of the length of the foetus
d) ¼ of the length of the foetus
e) more than ⅓ of the length of the foetus
Ans: E
30. When the mimic shares the some defense mechanism as the model it is
a) mimicry
b) batesian mimicry
c) mullerian mimicry
d) concealing mimicry
e) warning mimicry
Ans: C
31. Helotism is seen in
a. algae
b. fungi
c. bacteria
d. lichen
Ans: D
32. "Chondroid" is equivalent to
a. ribosome
b. mesosome
c. nucleolus
d. lysosome
Ans: B
33. The electro encephalogram of a person in deep sleep will show
a) alpha waves
b) delta waves
c) beta waves
d) theta waves
e) high frequency beta waves
Ans: B
34. Phytoalexins are
a. Phenolic compounds
b. produced by host cells
c. it is produced against fungal attack
d. all of these
Ans: D
35. Constantly changing the shape is referred to be
a. pleiotropism
b. pleiomorphism
c. actinomorphic
d. phagotropic
Ans: B
36. Double stranded RNA is seen in
a) Reoviruses b) coliphage Φ Ãƒâ€” 174 c) influenza virus d) adeno viruses
Ans: A
37. A technique for unblocking coronary arteries that have
atherosclerotic plaque is
a) defibrillation
b) angioplasty
c) cryosurgery
d) prosthetics
e) angiography
Ans: B
38. The most important ozone depleting factor in the stratosphere is
a) CH4 b) N2O c) CFC d) CO e) CO2
Ans: C
39. Main approach for water conservation includes
a) reducing agricultural water wastage by increasing efficiency of
b) reducing water wastage in industry by recycling
c) rain water harvesting by storage and recharge of ground water sources
d) Watershed management and afforestation
e) all of the above
Ans: E
40. The process of community development occurring in water bodies like
ponds and lakes is called
a) xerarch succession
b) primary succession
c) hydrarch succession
d) mesarch succession
e) secondary succession
Ans: C
41. Cells from an individual with three 'X' chromosomes have
a) one barr body
b) two barr bodies
c) three barr bodies
d) one barr body with half heterochromatin
e) none of these
Ans: B
42. Insects have blood in their body which
a. Circulates through open system
b. Circulates through blood vessels
c. Have haemoglobin
d. Resembles human blood in colur
Ans: A
43. In soil water, the principal water available to the plants is
a) hygroscopic
b) surface
c) capillary
d) gravitational
e) both a and b
Ans: C
44. Haemoglobin is a
a) metallo protein
b) chromoprotein
c) cojugated protein
d) respiratory pigment
e) all the above
Ans: E
45. Genetic drift most effciently works in
a) small populations
b) isolated populations
c) large populations
d) single populations
e) mendelian populations
Ans: A
46. ATP synthesis occurs in
a) F1 part of oxysome
b) F0 part of oxysome
c) between F1 and F0 part of oxysome
d) F2 particle of mitochondria
e) peroxisome
Ans: A
47. Parachute mechanism of dispersal is commonly found in
a) casuarina
b) artocarpus
c) musa
d) calotropis
e) pistia
Ans: D
48. Which of the bird cannot fly
a. Emu
b. Stork
c. Peacock
d. Duck
Ans: A
49. Puccinia is an example for
1) heteroecious fungi 2) fungus showing complicated life cycle 3) a fungus
which requires two different host for completion of their life cycle 4) causing
smut disease 5) an ascomyctes
a. 1,2,5 true
b. 2,4 true
c. 1,2,3 true
d. all are true
Ans: C
50. The friend egg like appearance is shown by
a. bacteria
b. chlamydiae
c. mycoplasma
d. rickettsia
Ans: C