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(The Gist of Science Reporter) TESS Discovers the Tiniest Planet Yet

(The Gist of Science Reporter) TESS Discovers the Tiniest Planet Yet


TESS Discovers the Tiniest Planet Yet

  • NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) unveiled the smallest planet ever spotted till date which is between the size of Earth and Mars and has been named L 98-59b. The planet was 10% smaller than the previous record of TESS.


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(The Gist of Science Reporter) Make it Rain Mission

(The Gist of Science Reporter) Make it Rain Mission


Make it Rain Mission

  • Rocket Lab Electron launch vehicle successfully launched seven satellites from Launch Complex 1 on New Zealand’s Mahia Peninsula on 29 June 2019. The mission was named ‘Make it Rain’ because of the high volume of rainfall in Seattle in the Spaceflight home city and New Zealand is also quite wet.


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(The Gist of Science Reporter) Special Orbit

(The Gist of Science Reporter) Special Orbit


Special Orbit

  • LOP-G will circle the Moon every six days swooping in between 1500 km to 70000 km distances from the surface.
  • The Gateway will be placed in a unique orbit called the highly elliptical Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO).
  • A halo orbit is a three-dimensional periodic orbit operating between the gravitational pull of two planetary objects and the centrifugal accelerations on the satellite.
  • Halo orbits utilise the Lagrange points — technical points in orbital mechanics to fix the trajectories.
  • Robert W. Farquhar first advocated halo orbits. A spacecraft in such an orbit would be in continuous view of both the Earth and the far side of the Moon.
  • LOP-G s trajectory is based on this concept to ensure that it will be at all times in communication with the earth, and avoid the shadow region of the moon.


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(The Gist of Science Reporter) Eclipse Duration

(The Gist of Science Reporter) Eclipse Duration


Eclipse Duration

  • The actual diameters of the Sun and the Moon are vastly different. Their angular diameters are very similar, the very basis of a grand spectacle these give rise to whenever the Earth, the Moon and the Sun get so aligned as to cause an eclipse of the Sun by the Moon. 
  • The orbits do not lie in a plane, that of the Moon is inclined by a little over 5° to the Earth’s,
  • and so a solar eclipse does not take place on every New Moon day. The eclipse of 22 July, 2009 had the longest total phase in a solar eclipse in the 21st Century: In fact, the totality of longest duration in any solar eclipse between 1991 and 2132.
  • The next eclipse that will surpass it in duration is due on 13 June, 2132 only. The 22 July 2009 eclipse offered a totality lasting several minutes all along  the path, lasting for up to 6 min 39 sec in the ocean about 100 km south of Bonin Islands, southeast of Japan. The eclipse magnitude (the fraction of the Sun’s diameter was obscured by the Moon) was quite large, being at 1.0799.
  • The maximum theoretical duration for a total solar eclipse is 7 min 31 sec. The maximum width of the path of totality is about 250 km. The closer one is to the centre line of the path of totality the longer is the duration of totality.


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(The Gist of Science Reporter)  Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) India

(The Gist of Science Reporter)  Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) India


 Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) India

  • LIGO is a world-leading observatory designed to detect gravitational waves from the most violent events in the Universe. LIGO-India, an ongoing enterprise to set up a new gravitational wave detector on Indian soil, is a mega-science collaborative project between
  • the LIGO laboratory in the USA, along with its international partners.
  • Australia, Germany and the UK and three lead institutions of India: Institute of Plasma Research OPR) Gandhinagar, Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAAJ, Pune and Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore.
  • This project is jointly supported and funded by the DAE and DST with $300 million for the $950 million project.
  • LIGO India will serve as one of the detectors to detect the gravitational waves, an essential element of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
  • This opened a completely new window with which scientists are starting to probe hitherto unexplored phenomena such as the formation of black holes, exploding neutron stars, witnessing the birth of our Universe and so on.
  • India will provide the site, vacuum system and other infrastructure required to house and operate the interferometer, manpower, materials and supplies for installation, commissioning and operations


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(The Gist of Science Reporter) European Organization for Nuclear Research (CFRN) – Accelerating Science

(The Gist of Science Reporter) European Organization for Nuclear Research (CFRN) – Accelerating Science


European Organization for Nuclear Research (CFRN) – Accelerating Science

  • The Department of Atomic Energy entered into a co-operation agreement with CERN on 28 March 1991, followed by a protocol for collaboration in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on 29 March 1996. 
  • CERN invited India to participate m construction commissioning of Advanced Accelerators under the Novel Accelerator Technology Protocol (NAT) in 2006. India's participation and
  • contribution strengthened further when India became an Associate Member of CERS in 2017.


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(The Gist of Science Reporter)  Square Kilometer Array (SKA): Exploring the Universe with World’s Largest Radio Telescope

(The Gist of Science Reporter)  Square Kilometer Array (SKA): Exploring the Universe with World’s Largest Radio Telescope


 Square Kilometer Array (SKA): Exploring the Universe with World’s Largest Radio Telescope

  • India is a member of the group of 13 countries (Australia, Canada, China. France, Germany, India. Italy, New Zealand, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United
  • Kingdom) that have got together to build the world's largest radio telescope, with
  • eventually over a square kilometre (one million square metres) of collecting area.
  • While 13 countries including India (6-10% of the €700 million project) are currently funding the SKA, around 100 organisations in about 20 countries representing over 1,000 scientists and engineers make it one of the largest scientific endeavours in history.
  • In the first phase, there will be about 200 dishes in South Africa’s Karoo region, and over 130,000 low-frequency antennas in Western Australia’s Murchison Shire, that will
  • enable astronomers to monitor the sky in unprecedented detail and survey the entire sky much tastier than any system currently in existence.
  • The two sites were chosen because of the characteristics of the atmosphere above the sites and their radio quietness, which comes from being some of the most remote yet accessible locations on the Earth. The unprecedented sensitivity of the SKA's receivers will allow insights into the formation and evolution of the first stars and galaxies after the Big Bang, the role of cosmic magnetism, the nature of gravity, and possibly even life beyond Earth, not to
  • mention serendipitous discoveries that are expected when something so much more sensitive than any existing facility is built.
  • The SKA will push several areas of technology to the next level, i.e. spanning antenna design, radio frequency electronics and optical libre technologies, low-power electronics,
  • signal processing, high-performance computing, as well as complex system
  • management software. Some of the most challenging innovations will be more sensitive than any existing facility is built.
  • The SKA will push several areas of technology to the next level, i.e. spanning antenna design, radio frequency electronics and optical fibre technologies, low-power electronics,
  • signal processing, high-performance computing, as well as complex system management software. Some of the most challenging innovations will be in the area of software and computing, making it a truly "I ! telescope”. The world’s leading scientists and engineers are designing and developing a system that will require supercomputers faster than any in existence, and network technology that will generate more data traffic than the entire Internet.
  • The National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) in Pune is leading India’s participation in the SKA, funded by the DAE and DST. The SKA-India Consortium (SKAIC) is responsible for overseeing SKA-related activities in India, which has almost twenty member organisations from all over the country.
  • India has led the design of the Telescope Manager, which is the brain and nervous system of the entire SKA Observatory and interacts with all the other elements to run the Observatory. The complex software to be used for the end-to-end management of the entire Observatory has been developed leveraging the expertise of Indian IT
  • industries and utilising next generation tools and ideas to tackle the complex problem.
  • Indian institutions and industry have also been involved in technology and science with the SKA precursor and pathfinder facilities such as Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Observator in Australia and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) Observatory
  • in India.


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(The Gist of Science Reporter) Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

(The Gist of Science Reporter) Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)


Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) 

  • A New Window to the Universe India is a full member of the TMT Consortium with the other partners being Canada, China, Japan and the USA. TMT is the world's largest and
  • most advanced telescope which will help to unveil discoveries beyond our imagination.
  • With its 30 m prime mirror diameter, this unique instrument will allow astronomers to see deeper into space and observe cosmic objects with extraordinary sensitivity. Its adaptive
  • optics, spectroscopic and high-resolution capabilities will allow astronomers to address the fundamental questions in astronomy ranging from understanding star and planet formation to unraveling the history of galaxies, black holes and the development of large-scale structure
  • in the universe.
  • India-TMT Coordination Centre (ITCC), located at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) is responsible for managing India's contribution, which is $213 million to the $1.47 billion
  • project, jointly funded by DST and DAE. India’s 70% in kind contribution of the TMT project will be contributed through hardware and software systems for the project which will be developed indigenously.
  • So, while participation in mega science projects will enable our scientific community and industries to develop in-house capabilities and indigenous technologies, Vigyan Samagam would serve as a travelling platform bringing cutting-edge S&T to the doorsteps of multi-stakeholders and the general public. It will display theme-based galleries, working models and exhibits, informative audio-visual content & electronic displays, interactive kiosks
  • and invited talks & lectures by eminent speakers.
  • Not only will the event showcase India’s strength, capability and contribution in multi-country mega science projects, a gathering of schools, colleges, universities, industry partners, researchers, scholars, scientific organisations, policymakers, representatives of media and community members would help in cross fertilization of ideas. It will also attract and motivate the young to take up exciting science based career options.


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(The Gist of Science Reporter) Chandrayaan - 2 Configuration

(The Gist of Science Reporter) Chandrayaan - 2 Configuration


Chandrayaan - 2 Configuration

Key Payloads Functions 

  • Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer Elemental composition of the Moon
  • Imaging IR Spectrometer Mineralogy mapping and water-ice confirmation
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar L & S Band-Polar-region mapping and sub-surface water-
  • ice confirmation Orbiter High Resolution Camera High-resolution topography mapping Chandra's Surface Thermo-physical Experiment Thermal conductivity and temperature gradient Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer and Laser- Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy In-situ elemental analysis and abundance in the vicinity of landing site


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(The Gist of Science Reporter) Chandrayaan-2 - Major Objectives

(The Gist of Science Reporter) Chandrayaan-2 - Major Objectives


Chandrayaan-2 - Major Objectives

  • Demonstrate ability to soft-land on lunar surface and operate a robotic rover.
  • Shed light on a completely unexplored section of the Moon its South Polar region which remains in shadow and is much larger than that at the North Pole. Possibility of presence of water in permanently shadowed areas.
  • Evidence for water molecules discovered by Chandrayaan-1 will be further studied to find the extent of water molecule distribution on the surface, below the surface and in the exosphere to look at the origin of water on Moon.
  • Gain insight into the origin and evolution of the Moon by extensive mapping of lunar surface South Pole region has craters that are cold traps and contain a fossil record of the early Solar System.
  •  Thermo-physical property of the lunar surface and seismic activities will also be measured.


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(The Gist of PIB) Samagra Shiksha-Jal Suraksha

    (The Gist of PIB) Samagra Shiksha-Jal Suraksha
[ AUGUST-2019]


(The Gist of PIB) National Youth Awards

    (The Gist of PIB) National Youth Awards

(The Gist of PIB) Operation Number Plate [AUGUST-2019]

    (The Gist of PIB) Operation Number Plate [AUGUST-2019]

Operation Number Plate

  • Railway Protection Force (RPF) of Indian Railways launched a Special Drive with a Code Name – Operation “Number Plate” to identify and verify all vehicles parked in Railway premises, circulating area, parkings and even in the ‘No Parking’ areas for longer duration.
  • The unidentified vehicles are considered as a serious threat to security and safety of passengers and other stakeholders of railways.
  • It has been conducted specifically in view of forthcoming celebrations of Independence Day on 15th August 2019.

Key highlights

  • This was conducted as a special drive from 9th August to 11th August at 466 Railway Stations all over Indian Railways
  • During the drive, 04 vehicles were recovered which were reported to be stolen and cases were registered previously by the Police.
  • 3943 Vehicles were found parked unattended/unclaimed for more than 05 days in the authorized parking lots of Railway stations.
  • Credential of suspected 894 such vehicles is being verified and suitable action will be taken as per the outcome of enquiry.
  • Similarly, 2034 vehicles were found parked in ‘No Parking’ zones for more than 01 day. Credential verification of 28 such vehicles, which are suspected, is being inquired into.
  • During the operation 549 vehicles were towed away and have been deposited with Police for further investigation.
  • A fine of Rs. 59000/- have been recovered as the charges for unauthorized parking.

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(The Gist of PIB) CORAS [AUGUST-2019]

    (The Gist of PIB) CORAS [AUGUST-2019]


  • Shri Piyush Goyal launches new Establishment Manual for RPF Minister of Railways and Commerce and Industry announces a new state of the art commando training centre to be established in Jagadhri, Haryana.

BACKGROUND OF CORAS (Commandos for Railway Security)


  • To develop world level capabilities of specialized responder for any situation pertaining to damage, disturbance, disruption of train operations, attack/hostage/hijack, disaster situations in railway areas.
  • Following the doctrine of graded response, minimum effective force shall be used for providing fool proof security to Indian Railways and its users.


  • Carved out from motivated and willing young staff of RPF/RPSF.
  • With an average age between 30-35 years, CORAS will always be young and motivated staff.
  • Very high physical standards to join CORAS.
  • Commando Coys shall be deployed in Left Wing Extremism (LWE)/Insurgency/Terrorism affected Railway areas.

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