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केंद्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल (CAPF AC) Exam Hindi Model Questions : SET-12


केंद्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल (CAPF AC) Exam Hindi Model Questions : SET-12

1. एक भू-समकालिक उपग्रह के परिप्रक्ष्य में निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजिए-

1. एक भू-स्थैतिक उपग्रह, भू-समतुल्यकालिक उपग्रह का विशेष रूप है, जिसकी भू-स्थैतिक कक्षा पृथ्वी की भू-मध्य रेखा से ठीक ऊपर एक दीर्घ-वृत्ताकार कक्षा में होती है।
2. उपयोग की जाने वाली भू-समतुल्यकालिक कक्षाओं का एक अन्य प्रकार टुंड्ऱा दीर्घ-वृताकार कक्षा है।
3. वर्तमान में लगभग 3000 भू-समतुल्युकालिक उपग्रह क्रियाशील हैं।.

नीचे दिये गए कूटों में से सही उत्तर का चुनाव कीजिए-

a. 1, 2 और 3
b. केवल 1 
c. केवल 2 
d. केवल 2 और 3

2. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन सत्य नहीं है?

a. यदि क्षैतिज सतह से प्रक्षेपण कोण क्रमशः 75ः और 15ः हो तो दोनों स्थितियों में प्रक्षेप्य की पहुँच समान होगी ।
b. मध्य -बिंदु भर पेंडुलम की गति अधिकतम और आयामन्य होता है ।
c. मोटर बोट की तीव्र गति से उलल तरंगों को प्रघाती तरंगें कहा जाता है ।
d. किसी पात्र में द्रव के दाब को मापने वाला यंत्र मैनोमीटर है ।

3. निम्न में से कौन सा कथन सही हैं।

1. पल्मोनरी परिसंचरण हृदय के बाँयी ओर होता हैं।
2. सिस्टमैटिक परिसंचरण हृदय के बाँयी ओर होता हैं।

उपर्युक्त कथनों में कौन सा/से सही हैं।

a. केवल 2    
b. केवल 1
c. दोनो 1 और 2    
d. न तो 1 न ही 2

4. निम्न कथनों पर विचार कीजिए 

1. वर्ग । के प्लाज्मा में एंटीबॉडी  होता हैं।
2. वर्ग II के प्लाज्मा में एंटीबॉडी  होता हैं।
3. वर्ग III के प्लाज्मा में एंटीबॉडी  होता हैं।

उपर्युक्त कथनों में कौन सा/से सही हैं।

a. 2 और 3
b. 1 और 3
c. 1 और 2
d. उपरोक्त सभी

5. निम्न कथनो पर विचार कीजिए

1. स्तनपायों के हृदय में दो आलिन्द एवं दो निलय होते हैं।
2. मछलियों ,उभयचर एवं सरीसृप वर्ग में साइनस वेनोसस पाया जाता हैं।

उपर्युक्त में कौन सा/से सही हैं।

a  1 और 2
b. केवल 1
c. केवल 2
d. न तो 1 न ही 2

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ANS: 1(b), 2(a), 3(b), 4(d), 5(a)

(The Gist of PIB) Ministry of environment initiatives for managing human elephant conflict

(The Gist of PIB) Ministry of environment initiatives for managing human elephant conflict


Ministry of environment initiatives for managing human elephant conflict

  • HEC are driven by various factors such as elephant density, human density, natural resource availability, extent of forest cover, crop-raiding and habitat disturbance etc.
  • India has more than 60 % of Asian elephants (IUCN status: Endangered) population with Karnataka having the highest number of wild elephants.

Key initiatives launched:

  • Surakhsya, a National portal for collection of real time information and also for managing HEC on a real time basis.
  • It will help to set the data collection protocols, data transmission pipelines and data visualization tools.
  • It will enable preparation of Action Plans for mitigation of conflicts.
  • Compendium on Best practices of HEC Management Plantation of fodder grass to keep elephant herds confined to forest.
  • Watch towers to keep vigil over movement of elephant and to warn villagers.
  • Alternate cropping with non-edible crops like chilli, citrus, ginger, onion not consumed by elephants may deter elephants from raiding the crop fields Forest Departments may consider using CAMPA funds or funds from other sources for legal acquisition of elephant corridor lands.


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(The Gist of PIB) World Elephant Day

(The Gist of PIB) World Elephant Day


World Elephant Day

  • On the eve of World Elephant Day, Union Environment Minister released a Compendium on Best practices of Human-Elephant Conflict Management in India. 


  • World Elephant Day is annually celebrated on August 12.
  • The day aims to create awareness on elephant conservation, and to share knowledge and positive solutions for the better protection and management of wild and captive elephants.
  • World Elephant Day was co-founded on August 12, 2012, by Canadian Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation of Thailand, an initiative of HM Queen Sirikit of Thailand.


  • During the event, the Union Environment Ministry also launched beta version of a portal on Human-Elephants Conflict.
  • The National Portal on human elephant conflict called “Surakhsya” is for collection of real time information and also for managing the conflicts on a real time basis.
  • At present the beta version of the portal is being launched for data testing before the pan India roll out for adoption by the states, which is likely to be done before year end.

Scenarios in India: 

  • Asian elephants are listed as “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List of threatened species.
  • Indian Elephant has also been listed in the Appendix I of the Convention of the Migratory species in the recently concluded Conference of Parties of CMS 13 at Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat in 2020.
  • Elephant is the Natural Heritage Animal of India.


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(The Gist of PIB) Agriculture Mechanisation and Technology Division takes various initiatives for farmers’ welfare under Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan

(The Gist of PIB) Agriculture Mechanisation and Technology Division takes various initiatives for farmers’ welfare under Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan


Agriculture Mechanisation and Technology Division takes various initiatives for farmers’ welfare under Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan

  • Agricultural Mechanization is one of the key drivers for sustainable development of agriculture sector. 

It helps in:

  • Increasing land productivity by facilitating timeliness and quality of cultivation.
  • Reducing the cost of operations by ensuring better management of costly inputs.
  • Reducing drudgery associated with various farm operations and address issue of labour shortage.
  • Farm mechanization level in India stands at about 40-45% compared to U. S. (95 %), Brazil (75%) and China (57%).
  • States like Punjab, UP, Haryana have very high mechanization while north-eastern states have negligible mechanization.
  • Reasons for lower mechanisation: economies of operation due to small holdings, access to power, credit cost and procedures, uninsured markets and low awareness.

Steps taken to increase farm mechanisation:

  • Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation: To increase reach of farm mechanization to small and marginal farmers, setting up of Custom Hiring Centre (CHC), Creating awareness through
  • demonstration and capacity building activities etc.
  • FARMS-app (Farm Machinery Solutions-app)- Multi- lingual Mobile App to connect farmers with CHCs situated in their locality.
  • Crop Residue Management scheme for distributing machinery among farmers and cooperative societies for effective in-situ management of the paddy straw.


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(The Gist of PIB) Atma Nirbhar in Agarbatti Production

(The Gist of PIB) Atma Nirbhar in Agarbatti Production


Atma Nirbhar in Agarbatti Production

  • Union Minister for MSME has approved a unique employment generation program proposed by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) to make India Atma Nirbhar in Agarbatti production. 


  • The program named as “Khadi Agarbatti Atma Nirbhar Mission” aims at creating employment for unemployed and migrant workers in different parts of the country while increasing domestic Agarbatti production substantially. The pilot project will be launched soon.
  • The scheme is designed by KVIC on PPP mode. Under the scheme, KVIC will provide Automatic Agarbatti making machines and powder mixing machines to the artisans through the successful private Agarbatti manufacturers who will sign the agreement as business partners.
  • KVIC will provide a 25% subsidy on the cost of the machines and will recover the remaining 75% of the cost from the artisans in easy installments every month. The business partner will provide the raw material to the artisans for making Agarbatti and will pay them wages on job work basis.
  • Cost of artisans’ training will be shared between KVIC and the private business partner wherein KVIC will bear 75% of the cost while 25% will be paid by the business partner.

Need of Mission:

  • The current consumption of Agarbatti in the country is approximately 1490 MT per day; however, India’s per day production of Agarbatti is just 760 MT. There is a huge gap between the demand and the supply and hence, immense scope for job creation.


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THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 September 2020 A guide to flattening the curve of economic chaos (The Hindu)

A guide to flattening the curve of economic chaos (The Hindu)

Mains Paper 3: Economy 
Prelims level: Gross value added 
Mains level: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment


  • Now it is official: India has managed to become the global leader in the number of new daily cases of COVID-19 and the worst performing of all major economies during the pandemic so far.
  • How did we manage this double feat?

THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 September 2020 Dissent and detention: On Dr. Kafeel Khan(The Hindu)

Dissent and detention: On Dr. Kafeel Khan(The Hindu)

Mains Paper 2: Polity 
Prelims level: National 
Mains level: Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability


  • If ever any evidence was needed that Dr. Kafeel Khan, a government doctor from Gorakhpur, has been a victim of state persecution, the Allahabad High Court has provided that.

THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 September 2020 Grim Sovereign Tangle: On GST compensation standoff(The Hindu)

Grim Sovereign Tangle: On GST compensation standoff(The Hindu)

Mains Paper 3: Economy 
Prelims level: GST compensation
Mains level: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment


  • Three years after India’s new indirect tax regime was introduced with a slogan of ‘One Nation, One Tax’, it faces an existential crisis.

THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 September 2020 Digital gains: Unlocking mobile data for real-time policymaking(Financial Express)

Digital gains: Unlocking mobile data for real-time policymaking(Financial Express)

Mains Paper 3: Science and Tech 
Prelims level: The State of Mobile Data for Social Good report 
Mains level: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life


  • United Nations, in its report, “The State of Mobile Data for Social Good”, identifies over 200 projects or studies leveraging mobile data for social good, surveys the landscape today, assesses the current barriers to scale, and makes recommendations for a way forward.

THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 September 2020 Two Pandemics (Indian Express)

Two Pandemics (Indian Express)

Mains Paper 2: Governance 
Prelims level: Global hunger index
Mains level: Issues relating to poverty and hunger


  • Global hunger has been on a rise in recent years, and despite Asia’s economic clout, the continent — home to more than half of the world’s undernourished — has not been spared.
  • Now, COVID-19 is leading to a slowdown of regional economic growth and further threatening food security.

केंद्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल (CAPF AC) Exam Hindi Model Questions : SET-11


केंद्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल (CAPF AC) Exam Hindi Model Questions : SET-11

1. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी एक योजना वस्तुतः असहयोग आंदोलन की मूल योजना का भाग नहीं था, किंतु आंदोलन के दौरान देश के विभिन्न भागों में बहुत लोकप्रिय हुई थी?

a. विक्रय करने वाली दुकानों पर धरना 
b. सरकारी विद्यालयों एवं महाविद्याालयों का बहिष्कार
c. ताड़ी विक्रय करने वाली दुकानों पर धरना
d. लोक परिवहन तथा संचार प्रणाली का बहिष्कार


2.    सूची I को सूची II से सुमेलित कीजिए और सूचियों के नीचे दिए गए कूट का प्रयोग कर सही उत्तर चुनिए

            सूची I                              सूची II

         संस्थापक                          पत्रिकाएँ

।     जफ़र अली खाँ                 1.    वुफडी अरासू
II    बी.सी. हाॅर्निमैन                2.    किसान बुलेटिन
III   ई.वी.आर. नायकर पेरियार 3.    बाँम्बे क्राॅनिकल
IV   इन्दुलाल याज्ञनिक           4.    जमींदार


                  ।    II    III    IV

        a        4    2    3    1

        b        4    3    1    2

        c        1    3    2    4

        d        1    2    3    4

3. निम्न में से कौन सा उद्योग सबसे अधिक नाॅन-बायोडिग्रेडेबल कचरा उत्पादित करती है?

a. खाद्य प्रसंस्करण केन्द्र 
b. ताप विद्युत प्लांट
c. कपड़ा मिल 
d. पेपर मिल

4. निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजिए ।

1. राज्यपाल को संसद के किसी सदन का सदस्य नही होना चाहिए
2. राज्यपाल को राज्य विधायिका के किसी सदन का सदस्य होना चाहिए 
3. राज्यपाल की नियुक्ति 40 वर्ष बाद होती है

उपर्युक्त कथनो में सही है

a. केवल 1
b. केवल 1 एवं 3
c. केवल 1 एवं 2.
d. 1, 2 एवं 3

5. निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजिए ।

1. राज्य के सारे कार्यपालिका कार्य राज्यपाल के नाम पर होते है
2. जब राज्य विधायिका की बैठक न हो रही हो तो राज्यपाल कोई आदेश नहीं जारी कर सकता है 
3. राज्यपाल की अनुमति  के बिना अनुदान की मांग नहीं दी जा सकती 

उपर्युक्त कथनो में सही है

a. केवल 1
b. केवल 2
c. 1 एवं 3
d. 1, 2 एवं 3


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ANS: 1(c), 2(b), 3(b), 4(a), 5(c)

CAPF-AC Exam Model Questions : SET-11


CAPF-AC Exam Model Questions : SET-11

1. Consider the following statements:

1. An ocean current is usually strongest at the surface and decreases in strength with depth.
2. Most current have speeds less than or equal to 5 kw.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

2. Consider the following statements:

1. Surface currents constitute about 40 percent of all the water in the ocean.
2. Deep water currents make up the other 60 percent of the ocean water.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

3. Consider the following statements:

1. Cold water ocean currents occur when the cold water at the poles sinks and slowly moves towards the equator.
2. Warm water currents travel out from the equator along the sinking cold water.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

4. Which of the following is/are correct regarding vardah cyclone?

1. It originated near Maldives
2. In India it first hit at the Andaman and Nicobar coast

A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None

5. Which of the following is correct regarding the Parliamentary standing committees?

1. Committee consists of 22 members with 15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha
2. Committee consider demand for grants
3. They also examine the bills referred by chairman Rajya Sabha and speaker Lok Sabha.

A. 1,2 only
B. 1,3 only
C. 2,3 only
D. All




ANS: 1(c), 2(d), 3(c), 4(c), 5(b)

(The Gist of PIB) Electronic vaccine intelligence network ensured essential immunisation services

(The Gist of PIB) Electronic vaccine intelligence network ensured essential immunisation services


Electronic vaccine intelligence network ensured essential immunisation services

  • Electronic vaccine intelligence network (eVIN) is an indigenously developed technological solution aimed at strengthening universal immunization by providing real-time information on vaccine stocks and flows.

It combines:

  • Technology: to facilitate evidence-based decision-making.
  • Governance: to ensure efficient vaccine logistics management.
  • Human Resources: to empower state cold chain network by capacity building of government cold chain handlers;
  • eVIN helps to create a big data architecture that generates actionable analytics encouraging data-driven decision-making and consumption-based planning leading to cost savings.
  • It also provides the potential to be leveraged for any new vaccine.
  • At present, eVIN has reached 32 States and UTs (Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Ladakh and Sikkim are remaining).
  • At present, 23,507 cold chain points across 22 States and 2 UTs routinely use eVIN Vaccine availability at all times has increased to 99% in most health centres.
  • Presently, many states are using the eVIN application with 100% adherence rate to track State-specific Covid-19 material supplies, ensure availability and raise alerts in case of shortage of 81 essential drugs and equipment.


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(The Gist of PIB) Ministry of human resource development (MHRD) launches India report on digital education

(The Gist of PIB) Ministry of human resource development (MHRD) launches India report on digital education


Ministry of human resource development (MHRD) launches India report on digital education 

  • Report elaborates on the innovative methods adopted by MHRD, Education Departments of States and UTs for ensuring accessible and inclusive education to children at home and reducing learning gaps.
  • COVID-19 has led to closure of schools and has impacted learning of over 240 million children in India.
  • Also, MHRD recently released PRAGYATA guidelines for digital education.
  • Report identifies 3 broad pathways being followed to ensure continuous learning, depending upon level of available technology as follows:
  • Where video conferencing tools are available, live classes are being held. It is tried in 25 States and UTs.
  • Where digital technology is completely absent, classes are broadcasted via television in at least 25 States and UTs and radio is being used in 18 State and UTs.
  • Most common type of distance learning seems to be asynchronous digital education that uses already prepared digital content hosted on platforms such as DIKSHA.

It mentions following plans for imagining and shaping digital education as long-term learning strategy:

  • Developing digital classrooms as an instructional modality.
  • Virtual vocational training, skill development courses etc.
  • Developing quality e-content in local languages.


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(The Gist of PIB) 4th Tiger assessment report released on world tiger day

(The Gist of PIB) 4th Tiger assessment report released on world tiger day


4th Tiger assessment report released on world tiger day

  • It was released by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and report assesses the status of tigers in terms of spatial occupancy and density of individual populations across India.

Key Findings:

  • At 2,967, India hosts 70% of the world's tigers. Tigers were observed to be increasing at a rate of 6% per annum (2006 to 2018).
  • Nearly a third of India's tigers are living outside tiger reserves.
  • Madhya Pradesh has the maximum number of tigers followed by Karnataka.
  • Northeast has suffered losses in population. Tiger status in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha has steadily declined.
  • Largest contiguous tiger population in the world of about 724 tigers was found in the Western Ghats (Nagarhole-Bandipur-Wayanad -Mudumalai- Satyamangalam-BRT block).
  • Corbett Tiger Reserve had the largest population of tigers, about 231, in 2018.
  • Nearly 17 of the 50 reserves are approaching the peak of their capacity at sustaining their populations.
  • During the release of the report, a water and fodder scheme was proposed within the reserves so that less animals stray out of these reserves and minimizes animal-human conflict.


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(The Gist of PIB) Mausam Mobile App

(The Gist of PIB) Mausam Mobile App


Mausam Mobile App

  • Union Minister for Earth sciences launched MoES-Knowledge Resource Centre Network (KRCNet) and mobile App "Mausam” for India Meteorological Department (IMD). 

‘Mausam’ Mobile App:

  • This ‘Mausam’ Mobile App for India Meteorological Department (IMD) is designed to communicate the weather information and forecasts to the general public in a lucid manner without technical jargons.

The Mausam mobile app has the following services:

  • Current Weather: Current temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction for 200 cities updated 8 times a day. Information on Sunrise and sunset along with moonrise and moonset are also given.
  • Nowcast: Three hourly warnings of localized weather phenomena and their intensity issued for about 800 stations, and districts of India by State Meteorological Centres of IMD. In case of severe weather, its impact also is included in the warning.
  • City Forecast: Past 24 hours and a 7-day forecast of weather conditions around 450 cities in India.
  • Warnings: Alerts issued twice a day for all districts for the next five days in colour code (Red, Orange and Yellow) to warn citizens of approaching dangerous weather. The colour code Red is the most severe category urging authorities to take action, Orange code prompts authorities and public to be alert and Yellow code prompts authorities and public to keep themselves updated.
  • Radar products: Latest Station wise radar products updated every 10 minutes.

MoES-Knowledge Resource Centre Network (KRCNet):

  • The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) aims to develop a World-Class Knowledge Resource Centre Network (KRCNet).
  • Under It, the traditional libraries of the MoES system will be upgraded into a top-notch Knowledge Resource Centres (KRC). KRCs will be connected with each other and integrated into the KRCNet portal.


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(The Gist of PIB) Tuting-Tidding Suture Zone (TTSZ)

(The Gist of PIB) Tuting-Tidding Suture Zone (TTSZ)


Tuting-Tidding Suture Zone (TTSZ)

  • A study in the Tuting-Tidding Suture Zone (TTSZ) in the Eastern Himalayas, Arunachal Pradesh, has revealed that the area is generating moderate earthquakes at two different depths.


  • The study is led by the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG) an autonomous institute of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India. 
  • The study aims to explore the elastic properties of rocks and seismicity in this easternmost part of India. 

Key highlight of the study:

  • Low magnitude earthquakes are concentrated at 1-15 km depth, and slightly higher than 4.0 magnitude earthquakes are mostly generated from 25-35 km depth. 
  • The crustal thickness in this area (TTSZ) varies from 46.7 km beneath the Brahmaputra Valley to about 55 km in the higher elevations of Arunachal, with a marginal uplift of the contact that defines the boundary between crust and the mantle technically called the Moho discontinuity.
  • This reveals the underthrusting mechanism of Indian plate in the Tuting-Tidding Suture Zone. 
  • Extremely high Poisson’s ratio was also obtained in the higher parts of the Lohit Valley, indicating the presence of fluid or partial melt at crustal depths.  
  • Poisson's ratio is a measure of the Poisson effect that describes the expansion or contraction of a material in directions perpendicular to the direction of loading.

Importance of the study:

  • That results predominantly from reverse faults in which the rocks on the lower surface of a fault plane move under relatively static rocks on the upper surface, a process called underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath its Eurasian counterpart. 
  • This process keeps modifying the drainage patterns and landforms and is the pivotal reason for causing an immense seismic hazard in the Himalayan mountain belt and adjoining regions. 
  • This has necessitated assessment and characterization of earthquakes in terms of cause, depth and intensity before construction activities are initiated.


  • It comprises a major part of the Eastern Himalaya, where the Himalaya takes a sharp southward bend and connects with the Indo-Burma Range. 
  • This part of the Arunachal Himalaya has gained significant importance in recent times due to the growing need of constructing roads and hydropower projects, making the need for understanding the pattern of seismicity in this region critical.


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(The Gist of PIB) Special Window for Stressed Residential Projects to boost investment

(The Gist of PIB) Special Window for Stressed Residential Projects to boost investment


Special Window for Stressed Residential Projects to boost investment 

  • The Union Finance Minister reviewed the performance of Special Window for Affordable and Mid Income Housing (SWAMIH). The fund has so far approved 81 projects with an investment of Rs 8767 crore. 


  • SWAMIH Investment Fund has been formed to complete construction of stalled, RERA-registered affordable and mid-income category housing projects which are stuck due to paucity of funds.
  • The fund has a target corpus of Rs 12,500 crore with a greenshoe option of Rs 12,500 crore.
  • The Investment Manager of the Fund is SBICAP Ventures, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SBI Capital Markets, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the State Bank of India.
  • The Sponsor of the Fund is the Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India on behalf of the Government of India.
  • In November 2019, the Union Cabinet cleared a proposal to set it up.

Greenshoe option: 

  • A greenshoe option is an over-allotment option.
  • In the context of an initial public offering (IPO), it is a provision in an underwriting agreement that grants the underwriter the right to sell investors more shares than initially planned by the issuer if the demand for a security issue proves higher than expected.


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(The Gist of PIB) Vriksharopan Abhiyan

(The Gist of PIB) Vriksharopan Abhiyan


Vriksharopan Abhiyan

  • Union Home Minister launched the Tree Plantation Campaign “Vriksharopan Abhiyan” of the Ministry of Coal in the presence of Union Minister of Coal in Delhi.


  • Vriksharopan Abhiyan is being organized by the Ministry of Coal involving all Coal and Lignite PSUs during which large scale plantations would be carried out in mines, colonies, offices and other suitable areas of Coal and Lignite PSUs.
  • The tree plantation campaign was conducted at more than 130 locations spread in 38 Districts of 10 coal/lignite bearing States through Video Conferencing.
  • The coal and lignite PSUs have planned to plant 40 lakh saplings over 1,789 Hectares of land at a cost of Rs. 70 crores in the current fiscal.
  • During the launch event, the Union Home Minister inaugurated and laid the Foundation stone of 6 Eco parks/ Tourism sites. These are being developed by PSUs under Coal Ministry keeping in mind the well-being of people of those areas.

Key highlights:

  • Under the campaign, Amit Shah has inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of six eco-parks and tourism sites.
  • The Abhiyan is being organized by the Ministry of Coal which involves all coal and Ignite PSUs. Under this large scale plantation will be carried out in colonies, offices, and mines and in other suitable areas of coal and Ignite PSUs.
  • Seedlings will also be distributed under the campaign in the nearby areas for promoting plantation by society.
  • The eco-parks inaugurated by the Home Minister will provide avenues for the adventure, water sport, recreation, bird watching, etc. for the people who have been residing in the nearby areas. It can also be integrated to form part of the tourism circuit.
  • The sites under the campaign have been planned to generate revenue for self-sustenance and to create employment potential for the people.


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