(Books) Spectrum's Handbook for General Studies (Paper 1) (English) 24th Edition By Kalpana Rajaram
Spectrum's Handbook for General Studies (Paper 1) (English) 24th Edition By Kalpana Rajaram
Book Details
Publisher Spectrum Books Pvt Ltd
ISBN-10 8179305082
Edition 24th
Number of Pages 1760 Pages
Publication Year 2014
Language English
ISBN-13 9788179305089
Binding Paperback
About the Book
This is 24th edition of Spectrums Handbook of General
Studies. In 2011, the Union Public Service Commission came out with a new
syllabus and plan of examination for the Civil Services Preliminary Examination.
We have designed the contents of the book to suit the needs of the candidates of
this examination. The given syllabus is quite sketchy; however, we feel we have
done justice to each subject within the space limitations. The sections on
Indian and World Geography, Indian Polity and Governance, Economic and Social
Development, General Issues in Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate
Change, and General Knowledge Review have been revised and updated after a
thorough analysis of the syllabus and the trend of the questions in the 2011 and
2012 examinations. More questions have been added in the various sections based
on the pattern in recent examinations in General Studies. Besides, the section
on Current Events is entirely new and covers important issues and events. This
section is useful for the other subjects as well especially polity, economy,
ecological issues and scientific developments. Two Practice Tests have been
designed for students to assess their level of knowledge. As per the new
syllabus, the subjects for General Studies Paper I will cover:
Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian national movement
Indian and World Geography physical, social, economic geography of India and the
Indian Polity and governance constitution, political system, panchayati raj,
public policy, rights issues, etc.Economic and social development sustainable
development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives, etc.
General issues on environmental ecology, bio - diversity and climate change
General science
Editor’s Note
Sample Tests - Solved General Studies Papers
Current Events of National and International Importance
International Organizations, Conferences,Treaties and Reports
History of India
Indian National Movement
Indian and World Geography
Indian Polity and Governance
Economic and Social Development Issues in Environmental
Ecology,Biodiversity and Climate Change
General Science
General Knowledge Review
Practice Test Papers