केन्द्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल (सहायक कमांडेंट) : परीक्षा पेपर 2018-सामान्य अध्ययन, निबंध और समझ (Download) CAPF (AC) Exam, 2018 Paper "General Studies, Essay & Comprehension"
केन्द्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल (सहायक कमांडेंट) : परीक्षा पेपर 2018-सामान्य अध्ययन, निबंध और समझ
(Download) CAPF (AC) Exam, 2018 Paper "General Studies, Essay & Comprehension"
- सामान्य अध्ययन, निबंध और समझ
- निर्धारित समय : तीन घण्टे
- अधिकतम अंक : 200
Q1. निम्नलिखित में से किन्हीं चार पर लगभग 300 शब्दों (प्रत्येक) में निबंध लिखिए:
Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each:
(a) धार्मिक कट्टरताजन्य नागरिक अपराध, संविधान के अन्तर्गत दण्डनीय
Civil wrong emerging from religious bigotry, constitutionally punishable
(b) कृषि सम्बन्धी छूट लोकलुभावन एवं अदूरदर्शी नीतिगत परिवर्तन आवश्यक
Farm waiver is populistic and myopic: strategy change needed
(c) आर्थिक विकास से खुशहाली की ओर एक प्रतिमान परिवर्तन
From economic growth to well-being a paradigm shift
(d) आरक्षण नागरिक गतिशीलता का दमन करता है
Reservation suppresses civil dynamism
(d) अकर्मण्य संसद, प्रजातन्त्र में एक अस्वस्थ प्रवृति
Non-performing parliament, unhealthy trend in Democracy
(e) शिक्षा में नवोन्मेष उन्मुख दृष्टिकोण को प्रोत्साहन
Promoting innovative outlook in education
Q2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements :
(a) Privacy is an elitist idea.
(b) Note-ban, effective tool against black money.
Q3. Write Reports on the following in about 300 words each:
(a) Data Leak from Facebook
(b) Violence on University campuses during Student election.
Q4. Attempt a précis of the given passage in one-third of its length. Do not suggest a title. Write, as far as possible, in your own words. The précis must be written only in the précis-format given below:
Language as culture has three important aspects. Culture is a product of the history which it in turn reflects. Culture in other words is a product and a reflection of human beings communicating with one another in the very struggle to create wealth and to control it. But culture does not merely reflect that history, or rather it does so by actually forming images or pictures of the world of nature and nurture. Thus the second aspect of language as culture is as an image-forming agent in the mind of a child. Our whole conception of ourselves as a people, individually and collectively, is based on those pictures and images which may or may not correctly correspond to the actual reality of the struggles with nature and nurture which produced them in the first place. But our capacity to confront the world creatively is dependent on how those images correspond or not to that reality, how they distort or clarify the reality of our struggles. Language as culture is thus mediating between me and my own self, between my own self and other selves; between me and nature. Language is mediating in my very being. And this brings us to the third aspect of language as culture. Culture transmits or imparts those images of the world and reality through the spoken and the written language, that is through a specifie language. In other words, the capacity to speak, the capacity to order sounds in a manner that makes for mutual comprehension between human beings is universal. This is the universality of language, a quality specific to human beings. It corresponds to the universality of the struggle against nature and that between human beings. But the particularity of the sounds, the words, the word order into phrases and sentences, and the specific manner, or laws, of their ordering is what distinguishes one language from another. Thus a specific culture is not transmitted through language in its universality but in its particularity as the language of a specific community with a
specific history. Written literature and orature are the main means by which a particular language transmits the images of the world contained in the culture it carries.
Language carries culture, and culture carries, particularly through orature and literature, the entire body of values by which we come to perceive ourselves and our place in the world.
(395 words)
Q5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (4×5-20)
The most essential and useful part to be played by our universities in free India is to educate public opinion, which is the foundation of Democracy. Every one has a right to educate public opinion, and so every school of thought, in our own Republican Constitution, has been given ample freedom to win public opinion, to its credit. It is here that true character is required and is tested. Our country, today, needs, such people who possess a strong character, who never stoop low to use questionable means under any circumstances. Those who cherish the idea of becoming good administrators must essentially possess a strong character. It should be the first and foremost function of our national universities to impress upon the minds of the future administrators of our country that in a true democracy there are no administrators but only servants of the people.
Another very essential and useful function of our universities should be to build the character of our future citizens. The greatest drawback in our educational institutions has been that sufficient attention was not paid to the moulding of character of the students.
True interest of a country and its people cannot be served simply by framing a Constitution. Constitution is just a set of rules and it can only be effective when persons responsible for its operation prove to be true reformers and real servants of the people and the nation.
Universities have to play a vital role. They should not teach politics to the students simply with the view to make them acquainted with the political structure of the country as well as of the world; but that it should be their function to impress upon them that they are to protect, guide, cha and the Constitution of their country and then of the world as true citizens and administrators of this democratic age, in body as well as spirit.
(i) What are the essential functions of universities?
(ii) What is the major drawback in our educational institutions?
(iii) Write the benefits of education imparted at universities,
(iv) How best can the educated youth serve the people and the nation as administrators?
(v) What is the contribution of the educated youth as enlightened citizens in a democracy?
(a) Rewrite the sentences as directed:
(i) The teacher said to me, "Are you not ashamed of telling a lie ?"
(Change into indirect speech)
(ii) You must complete the work by the end of this week.
(Change the voice)
(iii) Few students knew the answer, .
(Put a question tag)
(iv) The minister was annoyed that he had not carried out his orders.
(Change into a simple sentence)
(v) Shakuntalam is understood to be the best drama in Sanskrit.
(Change to comparative degree without changing the meaning)
(vi) As soon as he came, he made objections.
(Rewrite using "No sooner.)
(vii) The writer is evidently enamoured the subject.
(Fill in the blank with the correct preposition)
(viii) The paper was very easy. He could score high marks.
(Combine the sentences using "enough")
(ix) We seldom see as others see us.
(Fill in the blank using a reflexive pronoun)
(x) If I the Principal of the college, I would allow no indiscipline.
(Fill in the blank using the correct form of the verb 'be')
(b) Use the following words and phrases in sentences of your bring out their meaning clearly: (2x5-10)
(i) on the wane
(ii) gourmand
(iii) debutant
(iv) plutocracy
(v) esoteric
(c)Correct the following sentences without making any unnecessary changes: (1×5=5)
(i) I bid him to hold his tongue.
(ii) She wasn't her usual ebullient at the party.
(iii) They did not provide us any chairs to sit.
(iv) Under no circumstances passengers are permitted doors themselves.
(v) I am seeing her enter the room.
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