(CHAT Excerpts) Dr.Sumit Seth - 2 Sep 2006 , 1PM
(CHAT Excerpts) Dr.Sumit Seth - 2 Sep 2006 , 1PM
[02/09 07:44] ==== PLEASE WELCOME Dr. Sumit Seth = A Civil Services TOPPER.. =========
[02/09 07:45] hey sir
[02/09 07:45] go ahead dear
[02/09 07:45] ==== TODAY's Topic is GEOGRAPHY and General Queries.=========
[02/09 07:47] *** DrSumitSeth has left the chatbox
[02/09 07:47] can u share your preparation regarding cse
[02/09 07:48] *** Guest978 has joined the chatbox
[02/09 07:48] *** DrSumitSeth has joined the chatbox
[02/09 07:48] sure
[02/09 07:49] *** Guest205 has left the chatbox
[02/09 07:49] plz ask specifically what shud I tell you
[02/09 07:50] *** Guest401 has joined the chatbox
[02/09 07:50] regarding geography
[02/09 07:50] ok
[02/09 07:50] *** Guest978 has left the chatbox
[02/09 07:51] for geography yu need to remember lot of facts and should be well versed with maps
[02/09 07:51] for geo did u attended any coaching class
[02/09 07:51] ok
[02/09 07:52] In prelims you should do prevs years questions thoughly
[02/09 07:52] ok
[02/09 07:52] regarding main
[02/09 07:53] try to understand each q. and analyse it completely knowing about all the four choices
[02/09 07:53] ok
[02/09 07:53] for mains you need to follow different approch
[02/09 07:54] first step is to know about the subject thoughroly
[02/09 07:54] Understanding each sub topic given
[02/09 07:54] in syllbus
[02/09 07:55] then prepare Long Questions which are expected in exam
[02/09 07:55] prepare around 20 LQs
[02/09 07:55] and around 40 Sns
[02/09 07:56] *** arjunsibal has joined the chatbox
[02/09 07:56] sir how shlould one go about gs for mains?
[02/09 07:57] about g.s in main and prelims
[02/09 07:57] when i say prepare Q means it should hv indepth knowledge
[02/09 07:58] few Q will definitly come from ur prepared list
[02/09 07:58] regarding psy,will quoting studies help?
[02/09 07:58] Do very well inthem in exam
[02/09 07:58] yes qouting studies in pshycho enhance your marks
[02/09 07:59] For GS
[02/09 07:59] prelims
[02/09 07:59] Read India 2007
[02/09 07:59] but selectivly
[02/09 07:59] for mains how should one tackle economics?
[02/09 08:00] in gs
[02/09 08:00] keeping in mind the last years Q papers
[02/09 08:00] Prtiyogita darpan will be use ful
[02/09 08:00] in Eco
[02/09 08:01] for eco in gs sir?
[02/09 08:01] regarding polity
[02/09 08:01] yes
[02/09 08:02] Polity read Ravinderan Sir's notes
[02/09 08:02] how did u go about the second paper in psych sir?
[02/09 08:02] and there is an POlity issue by competition Wizard
[02/09 08:02] for 2nd paper read a book
[02/09 08:02] i mean the topics like community osy etc.
[02/09 08:03] which book sir?
[02/09 08:03] :"Applied Social Psychology in India" by Girishwar Mishra
[02/09 08:03] ravindran sir`s notes where it will be available pls mention sir
[02/09 08:03] Jawahar books have it
[02/09 08:04] From Vaji Ram And ravi coaching inst
[02/09 08:04] Mukul pathaks notes are also very useful
[02/09 08:04] in paper 2
[02/09 08:05] Any other querry
[02/09 08:05] any tips for essay sir?
[02/09 08:05] For SA
[02/09 08:06] prepare certain themes
[02/09 08:06] ### PLESE ASK QUESTION ONE BY ONE...Thanks. : Moderator.
[02/09 08:06] Such as INdia past present future
[02/09 08:06] World emerging trends
[02/09 08:06] women empowerment
[02/09 08:07] Education,value education
[02/09 08:07] Globalisation
[02/09 08:07] read some specialised books on that
[02/09 08:07] but in free time only
[02/09 08:08] Democracy is another topic
[02/09 08:08] civil societies role
[02/09 08:08] but above all
[02/09 08:08] do practice writinr essay
[02/09 08:08] in strict exam condn
[02/09 08:09] sit for 3 hrs
[02/09 08:09] give 30 mins to prepare blue print
[02/09 08:09] max word limit for essay
[02/09 08:09] no word limit as such
[02/09 08:10] 1500 to 2000 word sufficient
[02/09 08:10] words*
[02/09 08:10] regarding gs,what topics shld i give more importance to?aslo,ho do i prepare for short answrs in gs?
[02/09 08:10] no not short answers
[02/09 08:11] but you shud know previous years q very well
[02/09 08:11] many are repeated
[02/09 08:11] the crux of GS exam is time mngmet
[02/09 08:12] *** kalyan has joined the chatbox
[02/09 08:12] before I go last question
[02/09 08:13] how do i prepare for the statistics part?
[02/09 08:13] solve previous years q
[02/09 08:13] increase speed
[02/09 08:13] for statistics ncert book is enough or not
[02/09 08:14] get used to using calculator
[02/09 08:14] get hold of any guide solving prev years paper
[02/09 08:14] thats it
[02/09 08:14] thank you sir
[02/09 08:14] nt go into theory
[02/09 08:15] you vl hv only 20-25 min to finish Stats in exams
[02/09 08:15] dont gv more time than that
[02/09 08:16] ok then frenz I hope i satisfied some of your doubts
[02/09 08:17] root shall we end this session as no other q is being asked
[02/09 08:17] for prelims and main g.s how much mark is required
[02/09 08:17] *** arjunsibal has left the chatbox
[02/09 08:17] for prelims 80+ marks
[02/09 08:18] for GS as much as you can score out of 600
[02/09 08:18] overall
[02/09 08:19] for main u shud near 1100 marks to be in running for ias/ifs
[02/09 08:20] regarding rank
[02/09 08:20] till 66 you are likely to get IAs
[02/09 08:21] for ifs
[02/09 08:21] it was 69
[02/09 08:22] 1100 is out of 2300 or 2000
[02/09 08:22] but will this help u in any ways u try to get 1st rank dear
[02/09 08:22] thank you
[02/09 08:22] 1100/2000
[02/09 08:23] 1300 is final score u shud get to be in top ranks
[02/09 08:23] ok
[02/09 08:23] ok then I m leaving now
[02/09 08:24] Thanks root
[02/09 08:24] and my frens
[02/09 08:24] See you again
[02/09 08:24] Bye for now
[02/09 08:24] thank you sir
[02/09 08:25] THANK ALL FOR JOININ IN...
[02/09 08:25] *** DrSumitSeth has left the chatbox