No.14/1/2019-E.I(B) : A combined examination for recruitment to the services and posts mentioned in para 2 below will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on the 21st July, 2019 in accordance with the Rules published by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Dept. of Health) in the Gazette of India dated the 10th April, 2019.
Post Detail :
Sl. No. |
Name of the Service |
Category(ies) for which Identified |
Functional Classification |
Physical Requirements |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
Assistant Divisional Medical Officer (ADMO) in Indian Railway Medical Services (IRMS) |
Locomotor Disability |
(i) OA-One arm affected. (ii) OL-One leg affected and (iii) BL-Both legs affected but not arms. |
S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C, RW, H S–Sitting, ST–Standing, BN– Bending, W– Walking, SE-Seeing,MF-Manypula-tion by Fingers, C-Comm-unication, RW- Reading and Writing, H-Hearing. |
2. |
Locomotor Disability |
OL (One leg) |
Sitting,Reading & Writing,Walking,Standing,Bending, Manipulation by fingers, Seeing, Hearing, Communication |
3. |
Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Services |
(a)Blindness or low vision
b)Deaf or Hard of Hearing
(c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfisim,acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy
(d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness |
Candidates with visual acuity disability in range of more than 40% disability are eligible, subject to the condition that the visual disability is brought down to a level of less than the benchmark of 40% with the advanced low vision aids and appliances. This is to be certified so by a designated Special Board. Candidates with more than 40% disability to be considered eligible, subject to the condition that the hearing disability is brought down to a level of less than the benchmark of 40% with the aid of assistive devices as certified so by a designated Special Board. In addition to this, individual should have a speech discrimination score of more than 60%. Candidates with 40-80% disability are eligible for PwD quota. Persons with more than 80% disability are allowed on case to case basis, if and only if, there is an improvement in the functional competence with the aid of assistive devices. Or in other words, disability is brought down below 80% as required to perform the necessary functions to be certified so by a designated Special Board. In case of leprosy cured persons, attention should be paid to loss of sensations in fingers and hands, amputation, as well as involvement of eyes and corresponding recommendations is looked at. In case of Cerebral palsy, attention should be paid to impairment of vision, hearing, cognitive function etc and corresponding recommendations be looked at. INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY: i. Autism – Currently not recommended due to lack of objective method to establish presence and extent of mental illness. ii. Specific Learning disability: Equal to or more than 40% disability and equal to or less than 80% will be eligible. But selection will be based on the learning competency evaluated with the help of the remediation/assisted technology/aids/infrastructural changes by the Expert Panel. [Currently, there is no quantification scale available to assess the severity of Specific Learning Disability. Therefore, the cut off of 40% is arbitrary and more evidence is needed. |
(e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf, blindness in the posts identified for each isabilities. |
MENTAL ILLNESS: Currently not recommended due to lack of objective method to establish present and extent of mental illness. However, the benefit of reservation/quota may be considered in future after developing better methods of disability assessments. Must consider all above while deciding in individual cases recommendations with respect to presence any of the above, namely, Visual, Hearing, Intellectual disability and Specific Learning disability as a component of Multiple Disability. Combining formula as notified by the related Gazette Notification issued by the Government of India a + [b(90-a)/90] (where a = higher value of disability % and b= lower value of disability % as calculated for different disabilities) is recommended for computing the disability arising when more than one disabling condition is present in a given individual. This formula may be used in cases with multiple disabilities, and recommendations regarding admission and/or reservation made as per the specific disabilities present in a given individual |
4. |
General Duty Medical Officer Gr.II in DMCs |
(1) Blindness or low vision – 06 (Six) posts (2) Deaf or hard of hearing - 06 (Six) posts (3)Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy - 08 (Eight) posts, (4) Multiple disabilities from amongst person under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf - blindness–06 (Six) posts |
LV (with aids&appliances) HH (with aids&appliances) OH(OA,OL&BL)with leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims
LD- OH(OA,OL&BL)with leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims, LV(with aids&appliances), HH (with aids&appliances) |
S, ST, BN, W, SE, MF, C, RW, H S–Sitting, ST–Standing, BN– Bending, W– Walking, SE-Seeing, MF-Manipulation by Fingers, C-Communication, RW- Reading and Writing, H-Hearing |
Education Qualification:
For admission to the examination a candidate should have passed the written and practical parts of the final M.B.B.S. Examination.
NOTE-1: A candidate who has appeared or has yet to appear at the final M.B.B.S. Examination may also apply. Such candidates will be admitted to the examination if otherwise eligible but the admission would be deemed to be provisional and subject to cancellation, if they do not produce proof of having passed the written and practical part of the final M.B.B.S. Examination along with the detailed application which will be required to be submitted to the Commission by the candidates who qualify on the result of the Computer based examination.
Note-2: A candidate who has yet to complete the compulsory rotating internship is educationally eligible for admission to the examination but on selection he/she will be appointed only after he/she has completed the compulsory rotating internship.
Age :
(a) A candidate for this examination must not have attained the age of 32 years as on 1st August,2019, i.e. the candidate must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1987.
Physical Standards:
Candidates must be physically and medically fit according to the physical/medical standards for the Combined Medical Services Examination 2019 as per regulations contained in Appendix III to the Rules of the Examination.
Fees :
Candidates (Excepting Female/SC/ST/PwBD candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay of fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India or by using Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card or by using Internet Banking of SBI.
Application who opt for "Pay by cash" mode should print the system generated Pay-in slip during Part-II registration and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. "Pay by cash" mode option will be deactivated at 23.59 hours of 05.05.2019 i.e. one day before the closing date; however, applicants who have generated their Pay-in-slip before it is de-activated may pay at the counter of SBI Branch during banking hours on the closing date.
Such applicants who are unable to pay by cash on the closing date i.e. during banking hours to SBI Branch, for reason whatsoever, even if holding a valid Pay-in-slip, will have no other offline option but to opt for online Debit/Credit Card or Internet Banking Payment mode on the closing date i.e. till 6.00 P.M. of 06.05.2019.
Pay Scale:
- (a) Pay Matrix Level-10 Rs. 56,100-1,77,500/- + restricted Non-practicing allowance (NPA).
- (b) Ordinary rules regarding pensions, gratuity, confirmation etc. as enforced in the Council from time to time will be applicable.
- (c) The candidate will be on probation for a period of two years from the date of appointment which may be extended at the discretion of the competent authority. On satisfactory completion of the probation period will continue in the temporary capacity till confirmed against the permanent vacancy.
- (d) The candidate can be posted anywhere within the jurisdiction of the N.D.M.C. in any of the hospital/dispensaries/M & C family welfare Centres/Primary Health Centres etc.
- (e) Private practice of any kind whatsoever is prohibited.
- (f) The appointment can be terminated on one month’s notice on either side during the period of probation and thereafter, while employed in temporary capacity, NDMC reserves the right to one month’s pay in lieu of notice.
- (g) GDMO shall be entitled for promotion as Senior Medical Officer in the Pay Matrix Level–11 Rs.67700-208700/- and from Senior Medical Officer to Chief Medical Officer in the Pay Matrix Level-12 Rs.78800-209200/- and from Chief Medical Officer to Chief Medical Officer (Non- functional Selection Grade) in the Pay Matrix Level–13 Rs.118500-214100/- and Senior Administrative Grade Pay Matrix Level–14 Rs.144200-218200/-.
How to Apply :
(a) Candidates are required to apply Online by using the offcial website Detailed Instructions for filling up Online Applications are available on the above mentioned website. The applicants are advised to submit only single application; however, if due to any unavoidable situation, if he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application with the higher RID is complete in all respects like applicant’s details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc. The applicants who are submitting multiple applications should note that only the applications with higher RID (Registration ID) shall be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID.
(b) All candidates, whether already in Government Service or Government owned industrial undertakings or other similar organisations or in private employment should submit their applications online direct to the Commission.
Persons already in Government service, whether in a permanent or temporary capacity or as work charged employees other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under the Public Enterprises are however, required to submit an undertaking that they have informed in writing their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the Examination. Candidates should note that in case a communication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidates applying for/appearing at the examination, their application shall be rejected/candidature shall be liable to be cancelled.
Important Date :
Starting Date- 10-Apr-2019
Last Date – 06-May-2019
Click Here To Download Official Notification
Click Here To Apply Online
(Books) UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination (CMS)