(Time Table & e-Admit Card) UPSC Computer Based Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2014
Computer Based Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2014
The Union Public Service Commission is conducting a combined Medical Services Examination, 2014 on the 22nd June, 2014 in accordance with the Rules published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Dept. of Health) in the Gazette of India and also in Employment News on the 22nd March, 2014.
Computer Based CMSE, 2014
In accordance with the Examination Rules, the written examination for Combined Medical Services Examination for two objective type papers hitherto was being conducted through the OMR sheets. The Commission has now decided that the written part of the ensuing combined Medical Services Examination, 2014 to be held on the 22nd June, 2014 will now be conducted in Computer Based mode. There will be no changes in the syllabus and the scheme of this examination. The candidates appearing in the above examination are advised to take note of the above change in the mode of written part of the above examination. A demo module for computer based mode of this examination is also available on UPSC website (www.upsc.gov.in).
Reporting Time
The candidates admitted to the Computer Based CMSE, 2014 are to required report at their respective centre venue at 08.00 AM for forenoon session and at 01.00 PM for afternoon session on the day of the examination. The main entrance for the candidates will be closed at 09.00 AM for forenoon session and at 02.00 PM for afternoon session. For their own convenience, the candidates are advised to visit their respective centre venue one day before the day of examination and familiarize themselves with the itinerary.
e-Admit Cards
The e-Admit Cards of the candidates for the above
examinations are available on the Commission’s website (http://www.upsc.gov.in).
The candidates are advised to download their e-Admit Cards and take a printout
thereof. The admitted candidates will have to produce the printout of their
e-Admit Cards at the allotted venue for appearing in the examination. In case
the photograph is not visible or available on the e-Admit Cards,
candidates are advised to carry identical photographs (one photograph for each
session) along with proof of Identity such as Identity Card or Voter Identity
Card or Passport or Driving License and the printout of e-Admit
Card at the venue of the examination. No paper Admit Card will be issued for the
examinations by the Commission.
The candidates are advised to take a printout of the e-Admit Card well in advance to avoid last minute rush. In the past, cases have been noticed where some candidates have faced difficulty in accessing the server on the last day on account of server overload.
In case of any discrepancy in the e-admit card, the same may be communicated to the Commission immediately by e-mail latest by 13th June, 2014 to enable the Commission to take a decision in the matter.
TIME TABLEComputer Based Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2014 Date of Examination – 22nd June, 2014 (Sunday) |
Forenoon Session | Reporting Time | 08:00 AM |
Entry Gate Closes | 09: 00 AM | |
Paper – I (Code 01) | 10:00 AM TO 12:00 Noon | |
Afternoon Session | Reporting Time | 01: 00 PM |
Entry Gate Closes | 02: 00 PM | |
Paper – II (Code 02) | 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM |
Candidates Entry Instructions
1) Candidates must queue outside the entry gate and enter in an orderly
2) While entering, the candidates must show their Admit Cards to the security at
the Main Gate.
3) Candidates are allowed to enter the Examination Venues and registration would
start from 08:30 AM for Forenoon Session and from 01:30 PM for Afternoon
4) Candidates' entry shall NOT be allowed into the Examination venue after the
entry gate closing time under any circumstances.
5) The candidates’ registration closes at 09:30 AM for Forenoon Session and
02:30 PM for Afternoon Session.
Click Here for Official Notification
Click Here to Download e-Admit Card
Courtesy: UPSC