Public Administration Mains 2017 : Model Question and Answer - 42
Public Administration Mains 2017 : Model Question and Answer
(Public Administration Paper I / Chapter: Introduction)
(Important) Question :
Discuss the main concerns and outcomes of Minnowbrook Conference III. (20
Marks/250 Words)
Model Answer :
The Minnowbrook Conference III organised when American economy was downgrading and global terrorism had shown its first effect during September, 2008. It was chaired by Rosemary O’Leary, Professor of Syracuse University. The theme was : The Future of Public Administration, Public Management, and Public Services Around the World. It was conducted in two phases.
Minnowbrook III Phase One : It was for emerging scholars nominated by senior scholars in the field. The 56 invited attendees were more diverse than previous Minnowbrook conferences in terms of race, gender and nationality, involving for the most part assistant professors but including several tenured associate professors of public administration. In this conference, a single formal critique of public administration was not being able to be developed rather a dozen of areas of concern in public administration were identified. These included:
Academic-practitioner relations;
Democratic performance management;
Financial management;
Globalization perspectives;
Information technology ;
Law, politics & public administration management;
Leadership; performance measurement;
Public administration values & theory;
Social equity & justice; and transparency & accountability.
Minnowbrook III Phase Two: It was participated by two hundred twenty
scholars and practitioners from 13 countries . Following the opening session
presentation from Phase One participants, the emerging scholars and senior
scholars met in round table format to discuss the specific ideas presented. The
most prevalent and important issue addressed at the Minnowbrook III was the
impact of globalization on public administration.
Outcomes :
(1) Increased emphasis on Comparative Studies
(2) Emphasis on action research and methodological pluralism
(3) A new definition for public administration.
(4) Public Policy research
(5) New forms of governance
(6) Role of international organizations in governance (Total Words- 272)
(Linkages : New Public Administration and Minnowbrook III, Minnowbrook III and Comparative Studies, Minnowbrook III and New Forms of Governance, Minnowbrook III and Public Policy Research)