IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching: (Administrative Thought) - Strategy, Suggested Reading & Linkages

IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching


This Chapter should be done well. This is a very scoring chapter with well-defined syllabus but preparation should also be very comprehensive. Special emphasis should be given to thinkers such as Weber, Fayol , and Simon.

While writing answer on hierarchy if you do not deal with Weberian bureaucracy or administrative behavior your answer remains incomplete and you will get poor marks. We will teach you here these tricks for securing high marks.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Administrative Thinkers by Prasad and Prasad
  2. Organisation and Management by D. Guishiain


  • Constructive criticism of M P Follet and Solution of problems between Centre and States
  • Constructive criticism of M P Follet and Solution of problem between Political and Administrative executive
  • Constructive criticism of M P Follet and Solution of problem between Head Quarter and Field

POSDCORD (Functions of Chief Executive) and Functions of DM, PM and CM (Chief Executive at their concerned Geographical setting)

Weberian Model of Bureaucracy and formal work atmosphere in government organisation Human Relations Theory of Organization and Informal work atmosphere in government organization

Scientific Management and Tools of Administrative Improvement

Course Director-Public Administration

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