CSIR : Combined Administrative Services Examination, 2013 (Syllabus)
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Combined Administrative Services Examination 2013
(CSIR-CASE 2013)
Paper -I (150 Marks)
Part - A (General Intelligence, General Awareness etc.) - 100 Marks
- General Intelligence and Reasoning - 20 Marks
- Quantitative Ability (Arithmetic) - 20 Marks
- Constitution of India - 20 Marks
- General Awareness (General Science, Scientific Research, Geography, Economics, General Polity, Current Event) - 40 Marks
Part - B (Language & Comprehension) - 50 Marks
- Comprehension (1 passage each of Hindi and English of 10 Marks each) - 20 Marks
- Do as Directed (Active-Passive, Direct-Indirect etc) Prepositions, fill in the blanks, Synonyms/Antonyms, Sentence Correction, Common Errors, Punctuation, Idioms & Phrases etc.- 30 Marks
Paper -II (150 Marks)
Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules - 25 Marks
- Definitions, General Conditions of Service,
- Pay and addition to pay; Confirmation of Appointment
- Dismissal, Removal and suspension; Retirement
- Foreign Service; TA Rules; LTC Rules, Leave Rules
CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - 10 Marks
General Financial Rules (GFRs) - 2005 - 10 Marks
- General System of Financial Management
- Budget Formulation
- Control of Expenditure against Budgetary allocation
- Works Procurement of Goods & Services
- Contract Management
Manual of Office Procedure - 15 Marks
Management Principles & Practices - 40 Marks
ERP Application & Operations Management - 25 Marks
Public Administration (including RTI Act) - 25 Marks
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