(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 20 September 2014
(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 20 September 2014
(i) Union Tourism Ministry said it was working on a “cleanliness index’’
for cities in the country to encourage the best performers and, in turn, inspire
others to spruce up.
(ii) In 2014, the government invited proposals from consultants for developing a
cleanliness index with parameters and a scoring method to facilitate ranking of
various cities and towns.
Which of the above statement/statements is/are true ?
(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) Neither i nor ii
(d) Both i and ii
(i) The Scotland referendum’s result prevented a rupture of a 307-year union
with England, bringing a huge sigh of relief to Britain’s economic and political
(ii) As Scotland’s fledgling first minister in 2007, Salmond made a referendum
on independence his grand strategic goal and predicted, to general disbelief
even from supporters, it would be won within a decade.
Which of the above statement/statements is/are true ?
(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) Neither i nor ii
(d) Both i and ii
((i) 18th Asian Games began at the Incheon Asiad Main Stadium.
(ii) North Korean President Park Geun-Hye opened the Games with the simple
one-liner as is the custom.
Which of the above statement/statements is/are true ?
(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) Neither i nor ii
(d) Both i and ii
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