BRICS Women Parliamentarian Forum: Important Topics for UPSC Exams
BRICS Women Parliamentarian Forum: Important Topics for UPSC Exams
is it?
- It is a forum of BRICS women parliamentarians and their meeting is one among many such pre-Summit level BRICS meeting.
- 2016 Meeting was held in Jaipur and ended with 19 point “Jaipur Declaration”.
- 1st such meeting was held in 2015 at Moscow.
What is there in Jaipur Declaration?
- To work together in the field of economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection.
- We strive towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and will stimulate action in areas of critical importance, involving People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.
- Expressing concern over the deleterious effects of climate change on ecological systems, biodiversity and food production.
- They talked upon climate change and emphasis on future planning of legislation and budgetary support for final action on SDGs and environmental issues.
- Stressed upon the fact that the countries needed to judiciously prioritise and adopt the goals and targets in line with local challenges, capacities and resources.
- Called upon international financial institutions to support and facilitate financing for development on favourable terms for the developing and the least developed countries.
- Help them gain easier access to new and affordable technologies for capacity building, as envisaged under the UN-Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Call for Equity, Inclusivity and Sustainability to be factored into all development plans.
- Commit to work tirelessly to ensure that society progresses in a manner that accommodates the needs of today’s world without endangering the capacity of the coming generations to meet their future requirements.
- Emphasize the need to inform, communicate and educate citizens about developmental schemes, and strive to ensure effective utilization of funds and efficient service delivery mechanism.