(Current Affairs) Economic & Energy | November: 2011
Economic & Energy
- Exports up by 52 % in First Half
- RBI Eased FDI Procedures
- Direct Tax Collection Rs.284081 Crore
- Industrial Growth Slows Down to 4.1 %
- OVL Signs Pact with Petro Vietnam
- Now, FDI in Beekeeping
- Disclosure of Names of Distributors of All Mutual Funds mandatory
- E-payment System Launched
- India’s Exports Grew by Over 36 %
- 21 New Textiles Parks approved
- About Textiles Parks
- Agriculture Ministry Proposed a Hike of Rs 115 Per Quintal in MSP of Wheat
- RBI Eased Property Transaction Norms for NRIs
- Telcos Violated Licence Conditions
- SEBI Approved Share Sale Guidelines for Insurance Firms
- Coromandel Fertilisers Plans Greenfield Plant
- Fresh Capital to be Infused in SBI
- Niryat Bandhu Scheme
- New Policy for Acquisition of Overseas Raw Material
- 100 % FDI for New Ventures in the Pharmaceutical Sector
- Global Ratings firm Moody’s Downgraded SBI’s Credit Rating
- Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2011 Approved
- Deccline in Services Sector and Employment Levels
- MFIN’s Initiative in Reviving Microfinance Sector
- New Electronics Policy Aims to Create 2.8 Crore Jobs
- Rs. 2,000 Crore in Carbon Credits for RPower
- Cairn Lanka Strikes gas in Mannar Basin
- Role of Fiscal Policy in Economic Recovery