(Voice Notes) Current Affairs Daily & Weekly Update: 08 MAY 2013 "Topic: Karnataka Assembly Election Results"
Current Affairs Daily Voice Notes
Daily Voice Notes
Spotlight/News Analysis (8 May):
- Topic of Discussion: Karnataka Assembly Election Results
- Expert Panel: Prof. Shubrato Mukharjee (Former Faculty - Delhi University), K.V. Prasad (Associate Editor - The Tribune)
Samayiki (8 May):
- चर्चा का विषय: कर्नाटक विधानसभा के चुनाव परिणाम
- विश्लेषक: प्रो0 सुब्रतो मुखर्जी (पूर्व फैकल्टी - दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय), के. वी. प्रसाद (सहायक संपादक - द ट्रिब्यून)
Courtesy: Prasar Bharti