(Voice Notes) Current Affairs Daily & Weekly Update: 11 DEC 2012 "Topic of Discussion: India Ukraine bilateral Relation"
Current Affairs Daily Voice Notes
Daily Voice Notes
Spotlight/News Analysis (11 Dec):
- Topic of Discussion: India Ukraine bilateral Relation
- Expert Panel: Shasank (Former Foreign Secretary) & Sandeep Dikshit (Special Correspondent - The Hindu)
Market Mantra (11 Dec):
- चर्चा का विषय: भारत यूक्रेन संबंध
- विशेषज्ञ: शशांक (पूर्व विदेश सचिव), संदीप दीक्षित (विशेष संवाददाता - द हिंदू)
Courtesy: Prasar Bharti