(Voice Notes) Current Affairs Daily & Weekly Update: 13 May 2013 "Topic: Democratic Change in Pakistan and Indian Perspective"
Current Affairs Daily Voice Notes
Daily Voice Notes
Spotlight/News Analysis (13 May):
- Topic of Discussion: Democratic Change in Pakistan and Indian Perspective
- Expert Panel: Rajeev Sikri (Former Diplomat) , Sandeep Dixit (The Hindu)
Samayiki (13 May):
- चर्चा का विषय: पाकिस्तान में लोकतांत्रिक परिवर्तन भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य में
- विश्लेषक: राजीव सीकरी (पूर्व राजनयिक) , संदीप दीक्षित (द हिन्दू)
Weekly Voice Notes
Current Affair (10 May):
- Topic of Discussion : Autonomy of the C.B.I
- Expert Panel: M.L.Sharma (Former Special Director C.B.I), Sumit Chakraborty (Editor the Main Stream), Murali Krishnan (Senior Broad Caster)
Courtesy: Prasar Bharti