Current Affairs for IAS Exams -05 January 2023
Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 05 January 2023
Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development (BIND) Scheme
- The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the proposal for infrastructure development of Prasar Bharati i.e. All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD) as under Central Sector Scheme “Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development” (BIND) at a cost of ₹2,539.61 crore
- The “Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development” scheme of the Ministry is the vehicle for providing financial support to Prasar Bharati for expenses related to expansion and upgradation of its broadcasting infrastructure, content development and civil work related to the organization.
- The BIND scheme will enable the public broadcaster to undertake a major upgradation of its facilities with better infrastructure which will widen its reach, including in the LWE, border and strategic areas and provide high quality content to the viewers.
- Another major priority area of the scheme is the development of high-quality content for both domestic and international audience and ensuring availability of diverse content to the viewers by upgradation of capacity of DTH platform to accommodate more channels.
- Purchase of OB vans and digital upgradation of DD and AIR Studios to make them HD ready will be also be done as part of the project.
- At present, Doordarshan operates 36 TV channels including 28 regional channels and All India Radio operates more than 500 broadcasting centres.
- The Scheme will increase coverage of AIR FM transmitters in the country to 66% by geographical area and 80% by population up from 59% and 68% respectively.
- The Scheme also envisages free distribution of over 8 lakh DD Free Dish STBs to people living in remote, tribal, LWE and border areas.
Draft National Medical Commission (Amendment) Bill,2022
Draft bill seeks to amend the existing National Medical Commission(NMC) Act, 2019.
About National Medical Council:
- NMC is the apex medical education regulator, constituted by National Medical Commission Act, 2019, to:
1. Improve access to quality and affordable medical education.
2. Ensure availability of adequate and high quality medical professionals across India.
3. Promote equitable and universal healthcare.
Key highlights of draft bill:
- Introducing a fifth autonomous body, namely Board ofExaminations in Medical Science (BEMS), under NMC.
- BEMS will take over the functions of National Board ofExaminations.
- It will conduct National EXIT Test or NExT, a common exam forPostgraduate Medical Education admission and a licentiateexam for medical Graduates (both who have foreign as well Indiandegree).
- It will accredit medical institutions for diploma, diplomate andpostgraduate fellowship, and super-speciality fellowships etc.
- Limiting court cases, filed by medical colleges/institutions againstNMC/central government to Delhi High Court only.
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UN seeks top court opinion on Israeli occupation
- The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) ended 2022 by passing a resolution that asked the body’s highest court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), to render its opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s prolonged occupation of Palestinian land.
- UNGA resolution (India abstained from voting) also asks ICJ on Israel’s measures aimed at:
- Altering of demographic composition, character and status of Holy City ofJerusalem.
- Adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures.
Israel-Palestine Conflict
- It dates back to early 20th century with Jews claiming Palestinian land as ancestralproperty while Arabs being the majority.
- Between 1920-40, Jews migration to Palestine grew because of persecution inEurope.
- In 1947, UN voted to split Palestine into a separate Jewish and Arab state.
- Rejected by Arab states, it led to the declaration of state of Israel in 1948 and the firstArab-Israeli war.
- At ceasefire, Jordan occupied West Bank, Egypt occupied Gaza and Jerusalem wasdivided between Israel and Jordan.
- In 1967, six-day war started between Arabs and Israel.
India, Austria sign pact to curb illegal migration
- India signed a ‘Comprehensive Migration and Mobility Partnership Agreement’ (MMPA) with Austria for migration and mobility of Indian students and professionals.
- In addition, the agreement will regulate multiple entry visas for professionals and student exchange programmes, and will be reviewed regularly by a Joint Working Group (JWG).
- Austria is Mountainous landlocked country ofsouth-central Europe.
- It is bordered by Czech Republic (north), Hungary (east),Slovenia (south), Switzerland and Liechtenstein(west), and Germany (north-west).
Geographical features
- 2/3rd of total area is covered by woods and meadows.
- Major river: Danube River system is main watershedbetween Black Sea and North Sea.
- Highest Point: Grossglockner.
National Green Hydrogen Mission
- The Union Cabinet, approved National Green Hydrogen Mission.
- Development of green hydrogen production capacity of at least 5 MMT (Million Metric Tonne) per annum with an associated renewable energy capacity addition of about 125 GW in the country.
Key findings:
- India’s Green Hydrogen production capacity is likely to reach at least 5 MMT per annum, with an associated renewable energy capacity addition of about 125 GW.
- The targets by 2030 are likely to bring in over Rs. 8 lakh crore investments and create over 6 lakh jobs.
- Nearly 50 MMT per annum of CO2 emissions are expected to be averted by 2030.
- The Mission will facilitate demand creation, production, utilization and export of Green Hydrogen.
- Under the Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition Programme (SIGHT), two distinct financial incentive mechanisms – targeting domestic manufacturing of electrolysers and production of Green Hydrogen – will be provided under the Mission.
- The Mission will also support pilot projects in emerging end-use sectors and production pathways.
- Regions capable of supporting large scale production and/or utilization of Hydrogen will be identified and developed as Green Hydrogen Hubs.
- creation of export opportunities for Green Hydrogen and its derivatives;
- Decarbonisation of industrial, mobility and energy sectors;
- reduction in dependence on imported fossil fuels and feedstock;
- development of indigenous manufacturing capabilities; creation of employment opportunities; and development of cutting-edge technologies.
- Recently, a microbiologist from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the United States found the first known organism that eats viruses.
About Virovore:
- The organisms which eat viruses are called virovore.
- It has been identified as an actual species of protist that feasts on viruses.
- These virus-eating species of protists which are their kingdom on the tree of life and are not an animal, plants, or fungi are now classified as Virovores.
- It is a species of Halteria; microscopic ciliates that populate freshwater worldwide.
- The microbe Halteria is a common genus of protists known to flit about as its hair-like cilia propel it through the water.
- They’re made up of nucleic acids, nitrogen, and phosphorus. It can eat huge numbers of infectious chloroviruses that share their aquatic habitat.
- These organisms can sustain themselves with viruses, consuming many and growing in size.
- The new findings may change our understanding of the role viruses play in the food chain at a microscopic level.
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