Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 08 March 2021
Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 08 March 2021
Pench Tiger reserve
- It is located in Seoni and Chhindwara, districts of Madhya Pradesh.
- It shares a boundary with Maharashtra.It has two divisions: Priyadarshini National Park and Mowgli Pench Sanctuary.
- The river- Pench divides it in almost 2 equal halves (eastern and western).
- This place has been mentioned in "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling.
- Flora: Mahua, White Kulu, Salai, Saja, Bijiyasal, Dhaora, Amaltas etc.
- Fauna: Sher Khans (BengalTigers), Chital, Jungle Cat, Wolf, Indian Leopard, Gaur, Crow Pheasant, Indian Roller,Red-Vented Bulbul.
First Outcome-Based Budget
- The Jharkhand government for the first time presented an outcome-based budget.
- Outcome-Based Budget measures the outcomes of all government programmes and whether the money has been spent for the purpose it was sanctioned.
- Under this, each ministry handling a sector is required to present a preliminary outcome budget to the Ministry of Finance, which compiles them.
- This helps in establishing correlation between outlay, output and outcome of budget.
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India - Sweden Virtual Summit
- Prime Minister welcomed Sweden's decision to join International Solar Alliance (ISA).
- ISA is a treaty based inter-governmental organization working to create a global market system to tap the benefits of solar power and promote clean energy applications.
- Leaders also noted the growing member-ship of the India-Sweden joint initiative - Leadership Group on Indus-tryTransition (Lead IT).
- Lead IT gathers countries and companies that are committed to reaching net zero carbon emissions from industry by 2050.
- It was launched during 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York.
El Salvador Certified as malaria-free
- El Salvador has officially been declared malaria-free after no reports of new indigenous cases of the disease since 2017.
- Certification of malaria elimination is granted by WHO when a country has proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that the chain of indigenous transmission has been interrupted nationwide for at least the previous 3 consecutive years.
- Globally, a total of 38 countries and territories have reached this milestone.
- El Salvador is first Central American country.
Red Rice
- Assam sends the first consignment of ‘red rice’ was flagged off to the USA.
- Iron rich ‘red rice’ is grown in Brahmaputra valley of Assam, without the use of any chemical fertilizer.
- The rice variety is referred as ‘Bao-dhaan’, which is an integral part of the Assamese food.
- The red rice is being sourced by leading rice exporter – LT Foods.
CSIR Floriculture Mission
- It is launched by Ministry of Science and Technology. The mission will be implemented in 21 states.
- Under this available knowledge base in CSIR Institutes will be utilized and leveraged to help Indian farmers and industry reposition itself to meet the import requirements.
- Despite diverse agro-climatic and edaphic conditions, India shares only 0.6 % of global floriculture market.
- At least 1200 million USD worth of floriculture products are being imported by India every year from different countries.
- Floriculture is branch of ornamental horticulture concerned with growing and marketing flowers and ornamental plants and flower arrangement.
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