Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 27 April 2022
Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 27 April 2022
Transfer the Governor’s power in appointing Vice-Chancellors of universities
- The Tamil Nadu Assembly passed two Bills that seek to transfer the Governor’s power in appointing Vice-Chancellors of 13 state universities to the state government, currently led by the DMK.
- Chief Minister MK Stalin said the Bills were required as the Governor was disregarding the state government’s opinion on the appointments of VCs, an argument also made by states such as Maharashtra and West Bengal in the past.
What are the highlights of the two Bills?
- The Bills passed in Tamil Nadu stress that “every appointment of the Vice-Chancellor shall be made by the Government from out of a panel of three names” recommended by a search-cum-selection committee.
- Currently, the Governor, in his capacity as the Chancellor of state universities, has the power to pick a VC from the shortlisted names.
- The Bills also seek to empower the state government to have the final word on the removal of VCs, if needed.
- Removal will be carried out based on inquiries by a retired High Court judge or a bureaucrat who has served at least as a Chief Secretary, according to one of the Bills.
Are other states trying to curtail the Governor’s role in appointing VCs?
- In December, the Maharashtra Assembly passed a Bill amending the Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016.
- In West Bengal, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, the elected governments have repeatedly accused the Governors of acting at the behest of the Centre on various subjects, including education.
What is the UGC’s role in this?
- Education comes under the Concurrent List, but entry 66 of the Union List — “coordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher education or research and scientific and technical institutions” — gives the Centre substantial authority over higher education.
- The UGC plays that standard-setting role, even in the case of appointments in universities and colleges.
SC directive to States, UTs on rehabilitation of children living on streets
- The Supreme Court directed the States and Union Territories (UTs) that have not yet framed their own policies to rehabilitate children in street situation (CISS) to immediately implement the Standard Operating Procedure for Care and Protection of Children in Street Situation 2.0framed by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) for the time being.
- Presently, only Tamil Nadu and Delhi have their own policy to rescue CiSS.
- Often described as hidden or invisible due to lack of identity, recognition or social status, CiSS are extremely vulnerable to variousdeprivations and crimes.
- They continue to be out of school despite Right to Education.
- Highly vulnerable to child marriage, sexual offences, trafficking etc.
Initiatives from NCPCR
- Identification: Apart from Baal Swaraj Portal, it has developed a separateportal for NGOs and individuals for assistance in identification of CiSS.
- Against the estimated 1.5 lakh CiSS, data of only 17,914 CiSS isuploaded on Baal Swaraj Portal.
- Rescue and Rehabilitation:Released SOP 2.0 for care and protection of CiSS,along with Save the Children, to strengthen the processes and interventionsregarding CiSS.
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UNGA draft resolution on 'veto power use'
- The UN General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution requiring the five permanent members of the Security Council to justify their use of the veto.
- United States, China, Russia, France and the UK are the five members with veto power.
- The measure is aimed to make veto-holders more accountable while exercising their power.
- The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that would require the five permanent members of the Security Council to justify their use of the veto in future.
About the resolution:
- The resolution was titled - ‘Standing mandate for a General Assembly debate when a veto is cast in the Security Council’.
- The measure provides for the General Assembly to be convened within 10 working days after a veto “to hold a debate on the situation as to which the veto was cast”.
- The assembly is not required to take or consider any action, but the discussion could put veto-wielders on the spot and let other countries be heard.
- The application of this resolution will shed light on the use of the veto and on the blockages within the Security Council.
- The measure is intended to make veto-holders pay a higher political price, when they use the veto to strike down a Security Council resolution.
- It is highly likely that countries could propose controversial texts they know their rivals will veto only to force them to justify their stance publicly.
U.S. hosts weapons summit for Ukraine as Moscow warns of world war
- Top US officials are hosting emergency talks with allies in Germany on supplying Kyiv with more weapons to fend off Russia’s assault.
- The meeting of 40 countries at the US Ramstein Air Base in Germany was held.
- Ramstein Air Base is a United States Air Force base in Rhineland-Palatinate, a state in southwestern Germany.
- It serves as headquarters for the United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA) and also for NATO Allied Air Command (AIRCOM).
- The two officials promised $700 million in new aid to Ukraine, after months of pleas by Zelensky for heavier firepower.
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
- Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) 2.0 has completed four years.
- UBA is a flagship programme of Ministry of Education which aims to involve Higher EducationInstitutions (HEI) of the country in indigenous development of self-sufficient and sustainablevillage clusters.
- Major areas of intervention are Human development and Material (economic) development.
- UBA 1.0 was the Invitation Mode in which Participating Institutions were invited to be a part ofUBA. Whereas UBA 2.0 isthe Challenge Mode where all HEI are required to willingly adopt at least 5 villages.
Self-amplifying mRNA vaccine
- A self-amplifying mRNA vaccine — one in which the delivered RNA multiplies inside the body — has shown promising results against Covid-19 in ongoing phase 1/2/3 trials.
- The vaccine, ARCT-154, has been developed by Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings, based in San Diego, California, and its trials are in progress in Vietnam.
- An mRNA vaccine, such as those from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, use messenger RNA that encodes the spike protein of the coronavirus. In other words, the mRNA directs the cell to produce copies of the spike protein, so that the immune system will recognise the spike if and when actual infection takes place, and mount a response.
- A self-amplifying mRNA vaccine is an improvement on the traditional RNA platform.
- It encodes four extra proteins in addition to the vaccine antigen, and these enable amplification of the original strand of RNA once inside the cell.
- The basic advantage is that it requires a smaller dose.
Laureus World Sports Award
- Max Verstappen (Formula One) and Elaine Thompson-Herah (Athletics) have been named LaureusWorld Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year (2021) respectively.
- First held in 2000,annual event honours greatest and most inspirational sporting triumphs of theyear and showcases work of Laureus Sport for Good.
- Shortlists for six categories (Sportswoman, Sportsman, Team, Breakthrough, Comeback andAction) are created.
- American golfer Tiger Woods was the first winner in 2000.
- Winner list is dominated by Tennis players (11 times), athletes (5) and Formula One drivers (5).
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