Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 4 August 2018
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 4 August 2018
Q1. Which of the following statements regarding National commission of backward classes are not true ?
1) It was constituted pursuant to the provisions of the National Commission
for Backward Classes Act, 1993.
2) National Commission for Backward Classes has been empowered to look into the
grievances of persons of Other Backward Classes.
3) The NCBC will have the powers of a civil court while probing any complaint as
per 123rd amendment bill which gives constitutional status to NCBC.
A) 1 & 2 only
B) 2 only
C) 2 & 3 only
D) 3 only
Q2. Which of the following minerals & their location regions are correctly matched :
1) Central belt : manganese & bauxite
2) South-western belt : Iron-ore & clay
3) North-eastern belt : Coal & copper
4) Southern belt : coal
A) 1,2,3 only
B) 2,3,4 only
C) 2& 3 only
D) All are true
Q3. August 1 is the date regarded as 2018 Earth Overshoot Day.
What is meant by the term “earth overshoot” :
A) It is the level at which shooting of tigers reaches beyond controllable
B) It is date when humanity annual demand on nature exceeds what Earth can
regenerate over the entire year.
C) It is the date when the earth receives maximum heat from the sun.
D) It is the date when the annual ghg emission of earth has gone beyond previous
year levels.
Q4. Which of the following statements regarding “SAATHI(Sustainable and Accelerated Adoption of efficient Textile technologies to Help small Industries) INITIATIVE” of the central government are true ?
1) Under this initiative, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a PSU
under Ministry of Power, will procure energy efficient powerlooms, motors and
medium Powerloom units at no upfront cost.
2) It will be jointly implemented by EESL and office of Textile Commissioner on
pan-India basis.
3) The Unit owner needs to allocate additional expenditure for repayment not for
upfront capital cost.
A) 1 & 2only
B) 2 & 3 only
C) 1 &3 only
D) All the above
Q5. The controversial mullaperiyar dam in South india is operated &maintained bytamilnadu . It was constructed between 1887 and 1895 by John Pennycuick and also reached in an agreement to donate water eastwards to the Madras Presidency area (present-day Tamil Nadu).Which of the following national parks is located around the dam’s reservoir ?
A) Indira Gandhi National Park
B) Mudumalai National Park
C) Periyar National Park
D) Guindy National Park
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