Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 04 October 2020

Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 04 October 2020

Q1 From agriculture to fin-tech and healthcare to infrastructure, India is witnessing rapid integration of artificial intelligence across fields. With respect to recently held RAISE 2020 summit, which of the following statements stands true ?

1) RAISE 2020 is a first-of-its-kind, global meeting of minds on Artificial Intelligence to drive India's vision and roadmap for social transformation, inclusion and empowerment through responsible AI. 
2) Organized by Government of India along with Ministry of Agriculture and farmer’s welfare and World Bank, the event will witness robust participation from global industry leaders, key opinion makers, Government representatives and academia.
Options :
a) 1 only 
b) 2 only 
c) 1 & 2 only 
c) None of these

Q2 Consider the following pairs of islands and their corresponding ocean locations :

1) Shoe island : Arctic ocean
2) Tuvalu : Atlantic ocean
3) Europa : Indian ocean
4) Diego Garcia : Atlantic ocean
5) Solomon islands : Pacific ocean
Which of the above pairs are correctly matched ?
Options :

a) 1,2& 3 only 
b) 2,3 & 5 only 
c) 1,3 & 5 only 
d) 1,2 & 4 only 

Q3 Recently scientists have uncovered the mechanism by which a bacterium called Xoo (Xanthomonasoryzaepv. oryzae) that causes a serious bacterial leaf blight disease in rice interacts with rice plant and cause disease.Which of the following statements regarding the same stands true ?

1) Xanthomonasoryzaepv. oryzae, or commonly known as Xoo infection, cause huge yield losses to rice cultivation throughout the world. 
2) Its high epidemic potential and is destructive to high-yielding cultivars in both temperate and tropical regions especially in Asia & Africa.
3) Treatment of rice with cellulase, a cell wall degrading enzyme secreted by Xoo induces rice immune responses and protects rice from subsequent infections by Xoo.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3only
c) 1 & 3 only 
d) all the above

Q4 CEO of NITI Aayog has recently said that the government wants private players to bring the best technologies to sanitation sector and help enhance the societal dignity of workers. Which of the following statements regarding the same stands true ?

1) With the government’s explicit attention towards the sanitation sector, dignified treatment to sanitation workers received enormous importance. In the past, sanitation and work related to it were considered taboo due to its caste-based linkages. 
2) But now people have started realising that these workers are at the forefront of a strong public health system.
3) Waste-processing in solid waste management sector has increased from 14% in 2014 to 66% in 2020clearly showcasing the opportunity rise in waste treatment and the thumping potential of waste-to-wealth in the country.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3only
c) 1 & 3 only 
d) all the above

Q5 Which of the following is the world's most overstressed groundwater source, according to researchers, which supplies water for more than 60 million people ?

a)  Dead sea
b) Arabian Aquifer System
c) Amazon basin
d) Western cordillera

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