Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 06 September 2019
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 06 September 2019
Q1. Consider the following statements with respect to the irrigation system in India :
1) Water is the critical input of agriculture and about 80% of the current
water use is drawn by agriculture. Out of 140 million ha of net sown area in the
country, net irrigated area accounts about 68.38 million ha (48.8%) and
remaining 51.2% is under rainfed.
2) Out of the net irrigated area, about 40% is irrigated through groundwater and
60% is irrigated through the canal systems.
3) An important challenge facing the irrigation sector in India is the growing
gap between Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) and Irrigation Potential Utilized
(IPU), and uneven distribution of water over the length of the canal system.
Which of the above statements stands true ?
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q2. Which of the following pairs of Swachh iconic places of India and their corresponding location states are correctly matched ?
1) Vaishnavodevitemple : Rajasthan
2) Gaya tirth : Bihar
3) ManikarnikaGhat : Uttar Pradesh
4) Kamakhyatemple : Assam
5) Ajmer Sharif Dargah : Haryana
a) 1,2& 3 only
b) 3,4 & 5 only
c) 2,3& 4 only
d) all of the above
Q3. The Ministry of HRD has taken various steps to implement the scheme of Institutions of Eminence (IoEs). Which of the following are the possible benefits of getting the tag of IoE ?
1) The selected Institutions under IoE shall have complete academic and
administrative autonomy.
2) Freedom to enter into academic collaborations with other Institutions within
the country.
3) Freedom to admit additionally foreign students on merit subject to a maximum
of 60% of the strength of admitted domestic students.
4) Flexibility in fixing of curriculum and syllabus, with no UGC mandated
curriculum structure.
5) Even though the institutions enjoy good freedom, UGC Inspection shall apply
to these Institutions of Eminence.
a) 1,2& 3 only
b) 3,4 & 5 only
c) 1,2 & 4 only
d) all of the above
Q4. The Central government has launched campaign to promote ‘eat right movement’. Which of the following statements regarding the movement stands true ?
1) The Eat Right India movement is a crucial preventive healthcare measure to
trigger social and behavioural change through a judicious mix of regulatory
measures, combined with soft interventions for ensuring awareness and capacity
building of food businesses and citizens alike.
2) This movement is aligned with the government’s flagship public health
programmes such as POSHAN Abhiyaan, AnemiaMukt Bharat, Ayushman Bharat Yojana
and Swachh Bharat Mission.
3) The four main factors to prevent non-communicable diseases are healthy diet,
physical exercise, avoidance of tobacco and alcohol.
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q5. India has announced a contribution of 22 million US Dollars to the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFTAM) for the 6th replenishment cycle (2020-22), an increase of 10% over the amount contributed by us in the 5th cycle.
The GFTAM is headquartered in which of the following countries ?
a) Croatia
b) Belgium
c) Switzerland
d) Denmark
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Answer :
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5.(c)