Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 07 May 2020
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 07 May 2020
Q1 With respect to consol bonds/perpetual bonds, which of the following statements stands true ?
1) Perpetual bond which is also known as a perpetual or just a perp, is a bond with no maturity date. Therefore, it may be treated as equity, not as debt.
2) Also, perpetual bonds are still fixed-income securities; therefore, paying coupons is mandatory whereas paying dividends on equity is discretionary.
3) They were first issued by the Bank of England during the first world war in order to revive the economy.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all the above
Q2 Which of the following substances can be regarded as natural disinfectants/anti-bacterial substances?
1) Hydrogen peroxide
2) Lemon
3) Balsamic vinegar
4) Non-essential oils
5) Steam
Options :
a) 1,2 & 4 only
b) 2,4 & 5 only
c) 1,2 & 5 only
d) 2,3 & 5 only
Q3 As of now, governments are ‘ordering’ or requesting landlords to excuse rent and stop evictions on the basis of the Disaster Management (DM) Act of 2005. This, however, is a very roundabout way, as this Act does not have any provisions for demanding continuation of rental housing arrangements. Which of the following statements with respect to the model tenancy act ( MTA ) 20019 brought in by the central government stands true ?
1) The MTA envisages to balance the interest and rights of both the owner and tenant and to create an accountable and transparent ecosystem for renting the premises in disciplined and efficient manner.
2) After coming into force of this Act, no person shall let or take on rent any premises except by an agreement in writing.It will be mandatory for both the landlord and the tenant to inform the rent authority after getting into an agreement.
3) The Tenancy law is a ‘model act’, because land is a state subject and states will have the option to adopt or reject it.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all the above
Q4 Suspected hog cholera has killed at least a dozen pigs across two districts of Meghalaya recently. Which of the following statements regarding the hog cholera stands true ?
1) Classical swine fever (CSF) or hog cholera (also sometimes called pig plague based on the German word Schweinepest) is a highly contagious disease of swine (Old World and New World pigs). It is mentioned as a potential bioweapon.
2) Several days after the onset of clinical signs, the ears, abdomen and inner thighs may show a purple discoloration. However animals with acute disease survive for 4-5months after infection.
3) The disease is endemic in much of Asia, Central and South America, and parts of Europe and Africa.
Options :
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all the above
Q5 Which of the following countries recently introduced a new currency named Toman,Gheran etc. in order to tackle inflation ?
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