Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 8 January 2018
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 8 January 2018
Ques1.)- According to Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme, which of the following is most common outbreak?
A. Acutediarrhoeal disease
B. Plague
C. Food poisoning
D. Nome of the above
Ques.2)- Which of the following is correct regarding the INS Arihant?
A. It is the lead ship of India's Arihant class of nuclear-powered ballistic
missile submarines.
B. INS Arihant is to be the first of the expected five in the class of
submarines designed and constructed as a part of the Indian Navy's secretive
Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) project.
1. Only A
2. Only B
3. Both
4. None
Ques.3)- Consider the following This crop requires
1) Average annual temperature of 25-27 deg
2) Well distributed rainfall over 150-200
3) Deep rich well drained soil This crop is
a) Rice
b) Cocoa
c) Coffee
d) Tea
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1 (a), 2 (3), 3 (b)