Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 1 September 2017
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 1 September 2017
Ques1) Which of the following statements are correct regarding CAG?
A) The CAG is mentioned in the Constitution of India under Article 148 – 151.
B) Appointed by President following a recommendation by Prime Minister
1) A only
2) B only
3) Both A and B
4) Neither A nor B
Ques2) Which of the following statements are correct regarding Tuberculosis?
A) It is a non-infectious disease
B) caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)
C) India tops the world in the number of tuberculosis cases
D) molecular diagnostic test called GeneXpert is used to detect TB
1) A ,B,C,D
2) B,C,D
3) A,C,D
4) B,D
Ques3) Consider the following statements regarding WTO
A) 11th Ministerial Conference (MC) of the WTO to be held in Buenos Aires in
December 2017
B) Ministerial Conference (MC) is the WTO’s highest decision making body
C) India and China favours farm subsidies of developed countries.
1) A ,B
2) A,C
3) B,C
4) A,B,C
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