Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 13 August 2018
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 13 August 2018
Q1. Which of the following statements regarding parker solar probe are true ?
1) It will be the fastest human-made object ever, travelling around the Sun
at speeds of up to 690,000km/h.
2) Parker will make 24 loops around our star to study the physics of the corona,
the place where much of the important activity that affects the Earth seems to
3) The Delta-IV Heavy rocket carries the parker solar probe to space.
A) 1 & 2only
B) 2 & 3 only
C) 1 & 3 only
D) all the above
Q2. Consider the following statements regarding(NAPA) National Anti-Profiteering Authority :
1) The Union Cabinet had approved setting up of five-member NAA, mandated to
ensure that the benefits of GST rate reduction is passed on to consumers.
2) In extreme cases it can even impose a penalty on errant firms but cannot
cancel their registration with GST.
3) Finance minister is the chairman of NAPA.
Which of the above statements are not true ?
A) 1 & 2 only
B) 2 & 3 only
C) 1 & 3 only
D) all the above
Q3. Nepal shares boundary with which of the following Indian states ?
1) Bihar
2) West bengal
3) Himachal Pradesh
4) Sikkim
5) Assam
A) 1,2& 3 only
B) 3,4 & 5 only
C) 1,2 & 4 only
D) 2,4& 5 only
Q4. With respect to various anti beggary laws in India which of the following statements are true ?
1) If a person is found begging inside a private property, he can only be
arrested on a formal complaint by the owner of the property.
2) A beggar arrested is required to be kept in a certified institution as
prescribed by the state government.
3) If the court finds that the person accused was not involved in begging
activities he is to be released.
A) 1 & 2 only
B) 2 & 3 only
C) 1 & 3 only
D) all the above
Q5. His teachings can be found in the Sikh scripture Guru Granth Sahib, as a collection of verses recorded in Gurmukhi.His birth is celebrated worldwide as Gurpurab on KartikPooranmashi, the full-moon day in the month of Katak, October–November.Hiswords are registered in the form of 974 poetic hymns in the holy text of Sikhism, the Guru Granth Sahib, with some of the major prayers being the Japji Sahib, the Asa di Var and the Sidh-Ghost.
The above description is about which of the following personalities/saints ?
A) Guru Gobindsingh
B) Guru nanak
C) Guru Ramdas
D) Guru Amar das
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