Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 16 October 2017
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 16 October 2017
Ques 1) Article 300A is related to
A) Right to Property
B) Suits and Proceedings
C) Freedom of Trade, Commerce and intercourses
D) Administrative Tribunals
Ques 2) Information utilities are governed by
A) Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2016
B) IBBI (Information Utilities) Regulations 2017
1) A only
2) B only
3) Both A and B
4) Neither A nor B
Ques 3) India’s imbalance in Balance of payments is mainly due to
A) Increased oil and petroleum imports
B) Increased gold import
C) Increased food grain imports
D) Increased iron and steel imports
1) A and B
2) A,B,C
3) B and C
4) A,B,C,D
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