Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 17 September 2019
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 17 September 2019
Q1. India’s oldest scientific department, the Survey of India (SoI) — historically tasked with mapping the country will for the first time rely on drones to map the country. Which of the following statements regarding the same stands true ?
1) The aim is to map 75% of India’s geography about 2.4 million sq km of the
3.2 million sq km within the next two years.
2) The maps being prepared, according to senior officials associated with the
project will be of 1:25000 resolution, meaning 1 cm will represent 250 cm.
3) A major consequence of the drone-based exercise will be the mapping of
settled habitations in villages .Based on the availability of accurate maps,
residents will finally be able to get property cards as well as proper legal
titles to their lands.
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
answer : c
Q2. The Semiconductor device is made up of a material that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator, it is called a semiconductor.Which of the following can be defined as some of the useful advantages of semiconductor diodes ?
1) As semiconductor devices have no filaments, hence no power is needed to
heat them to cause the emission of electrons.
2) Since no heating is required, semiconductor devices are set into operation as
soon as the circuit is switched on.
3) Ordinary semiconductor devices can handle more power as ordinary vacuum tubes
can do.
4) In high frequency range, they are good responders.
5) Semiconductor devices require low voltage operation as compared to vacuum
a) 1,2& 3 only
b) 2,3 & 5 only
c) 1,2 & 5only
d) 1,3 & 4 only
answer : c
Q3. Consider the following statements :
1) India’s Mental Health Care Act, 2017 says that the media should not
publish photographs or any other information about a person undergoing mental
health treatment without their consent.
2) Reports suggest that around 43.3% of news reports about suicide in newspapers
in Tamil Nadu went into details of reporting the harmful suicide methods used
while only 2.5% of news stories about suicide in these newspapers, gave the
contact details for suicide support services.
3) The Press Council of India (PCI) has issued guidelines for the reporting of
cases of suicide and mental illness, it also has powers to punish the violators
under the press council act 1978.
Which of the above statements are true ?
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
answer : a
Q4. Which of the following statements regarding the causes of declining vulture population and its conservation stands true ?
1) The major reason behind the vulture population getting nearly wiped out
was the drug Diclofenac, found in the carcass of cattle the vultures fed on.
2) The drug, whose veterinary use was banned in 2008, was commonly administered
to cattle to treat inflammation.
3) At present there are nine Vulture Conservation and Breeding Centres (VCBC) in
India, of which three are directly administered by Bombay Natural History
Society (BNHS).
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
answer : d
Q5. Which of the following countries have recently inaugurated Southeast Asia's largest solar power farm which has the capacity to produce 688 million kWh of electricity annually ?
a) Malaysia
b) Singapore
c) Vietnam
d) Taiwan
answer : c
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Answer :
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5.(d)