Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 19 June 2017
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 19 June 2017
Ques- Which of the following is correct regarding cleaning of Ganga?
1. National Green Tribunal is a central agency for National Mission for Clean
2. NGT plans to clean Ganga in one phase only
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None
Ques- Which of the following is correct regarding the Insolvency and Bankruptcy code,2015?
1. The Code creates time-bound processes for insolvency resolution of companies
and individuals. These processes will be completed within 180 days.
2. The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) will adjudicate insolvency
resolution for companies.
3. The Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) will adjudicate insolvency resolution for
A. 1,2 only
B. 2,3 only
C. 1,3 only
D. All of the above
Ques- Which of the following is correct regarding inflation measurement in India?
1. All the states have equal weightage in inflation measurement
2. Lower base effect increases the inflation next year
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None
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