Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 20 May 2020
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 20 May 2020
Q1. Which of the following statements regarding the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008 stands true ?
1) As per provisions of The Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008,
every unorganised worker shall be eligible for registration subject to the
fulfilment of the two conditions; he or she should have completed fourteen years
of age; and a self-declaration by him or her confirming that he or she is an
unorganised worker.
2) The State Governments are mandated to register the Unorganised Workers and to
provide benefits of welfare schemes like (i) life and disability cover, (ii)
health and maternity benefits, and (iii) old age protection only.
3) About 83% of the total work force in India is in the unorganised sector.
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q2. Which of the following includes the cities which were classified as five-star garbage free cities by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry under the Swacch Bharat Mission-Urban recently ?
1) Bhopal
2) Navi Mumbai
3) Indore
4) Surat
5) Belgaum
a) 1,2 & 3 only
b) 2,3 & 5 only
c) 2,3 & 4 only
d) 1,2 & 5 only
Q3. Higher than normal temperatures in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) may be whetting ‘super cyclones’ claims scientists.Which of the following statements with respect to the supercyclone ‘Amphan’ that formulated in the bay of Bengal stands true ?
1) Cyclones gain their energy from the heat and moisture generated from warm
ocean surfaces. This year, the Bay of Bengal (BoB) has posted record summer
temperatures a fall-out, as researchers have warned, of global warming from
fossil fuel emissions that has been heating up oceans.
2) Super cyclone Amphan that is barrelling towards West Bengal is the strongest
storm to have formed in the BoB since the Super Cyclone of 1999 that ravaged
Paradip in Odisha.
3) While tropical cyclones in these seas are a typical feature of the summer
month, they do not play any role in aiding the arrival of the south west
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q4. The central government has recently launched various schemes to improve quality education for children in India via online platforms amid COVID lockdown scenario. Which of the following statements regarding the same stands true ?
1) PM e-VIDYA will be launched which unifies all efforts related to
digital/online/on-air education. This will provide psychosocial support to
students, teachers and families for mental health and emotional wellbeing.
2) In order to promote critical thinking, creative and communication skills,
along with experiential and joyful learning for the students focussing on
learning outcomes a new National Curriculum and Pedagogical Framework has been
3) A National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission will be launched, for
ensuring that every child in the country necessarily attains foundational
literacy and numeracy in Grade 3 by 2025.
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q5. The Amphan cyclone intensified into a supercyclone near the coast of ‘Hatiya islands’ recently. The islands are located in which of the following countries ?
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