Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 21 October 2017
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 21 October 2017
Ques 1) Which of the following statements regarding Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan (VISAKA) correct
A) It is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development
B) It’s main aim is to propagate cashless, digital means of payment
1) A only
2) B only
3) Both A and B
4) Neither A nor B
Ques 2) Which of the following statements regarding Insolvency and Bankruptcy code correct
A) The Code outlines separate insolvency resolution processes for
individuals, companies and partnership firms.
B) The process should be initiated by creditors only
1) A only
2) B only
3) Both A and B
4) Neither A nor B
Ques 3) Syria doesn’t share border with
A) Turkey
B) Iraq
C) Lebanon
D) Saudi Arabia
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