Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 29 January 2018
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 29 January 2018
Q-1. Which of the following statements is/are true?
i) Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code is introduced in Dec 2016.
ii) IBC is to rule out ambiguities in Insolvency resolution process.
iii) Insolvency Resolution Professional(IRP) drafts a plan called Resolution
iv) IBC increases Ease of doing business.
a) Only i.
b) Only i, ii.
c) Only i, ii, iii.
d) All of the above
Q-2. Which of the following statements about MRI scan is/are true?
i) It generates HD 3D images of the body.
ii) Uses EM waves.
iii) Uses 10 tonne Magnet.
a) Only i.
b) Only i, iii.
c) Only i, ii.
d) All of the above.
Q-3. Which of the following statements about Tiwa tribe is/are true?
i) They are a tribe of Assam state.
ii) They live both in hills and plains.
iii) Men do wildlife hunting of protected species 2-3months per year.
iv) No hunting in breeding season of wild animals.
a) Only i.
b) Only i, ii.
c) Only i, ii, iii.
d) All of the above.
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